Government to consult all stakeholders on caretaker setup

Elections due next year hence government has enough time to contact political parties: Kaira

July 25, 2012
Government to consult all stakeholders on caretaker setup

ISLAMABAD: The government will contact all political parties for the formation of a caretaker setup before the next general election are held next year, the Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Zaman Kaira said on Wednesday.

Speaking to media after a cabinet meeting, Kaira said that since elections are to take place next year, there is enough time to start contacting stakeholders regarding the interim setup.

Energy solutions

Speaking about the power crisis in the country, Kaira said that the ministry of petroleum has been directed to conduct a feasibility study for the purchase of gas from India.

"For import of gas from Iran, we will have to lay about 1,000km long pipeline but for import of natural gas from India, we will have to lay only 60km long pipeline and if it is practical, it can provide instant relief to the nation".

He further said that when Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf took over, he had announced that Balochistan and power supply would be his top priorities and that he chaired an energy committee meeting today to provide relief to the masses.

“Last month, power generation was below 10,000MW and now it is 14,000 MW but due to hot weather and Ramazan, consumption has somehow increased in the country,” he said, adding that faults at the Chashma and Guddu plants have also compounded.

About signing of an MoU on Nato supplies, Kaira dodged the question saying all details would be made public and nothing would be kept hidden from the nation.


Hegdefunder | 12 years ago | Reply

I suggest you first run the list past the GHQ, as without their blessings, nothing is likely to work !

Gill | 12 years ago | Reply

Height of stupidity from QK, what else can we expect from such politicians?

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