Militant attack: PTI condemns killing of Pakistani soldiers

Imran Khan expresses condolences to the bereaved families, prays for the dead.

Ppi June 26, 2012
Militant attack: PTI condemns killing of Pakistani soldiers

LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Information Secretary Shafqat Mahmood said that the party leadership has strongly condemned the brutal beheading of Pakistani soldiers at the hands of Afghanistan based militants. He added that party Chairman Imran Khan has expressed condolences to the bereaved families and prayed for the dead.

Mahmood said that the brutal incident exposed several key issues that need to be addressed.

“How come militants were able to get together and launch an attack across the border without being intercepted by either Afghan or the Nato forces?” he questioned.

“If they were not seen, it exposes massive incompetence and if they were, then it raises a very serious question about collusion with militants and complicity of Afghan government," he said.

Mahmood added that to ensure such attacks are not repeated, it is necessary that the government handles the matter at the diplomatic level and makes it clear to the Afghan government that such cross-border attacks would not be tolerated.

He said that the PTI wants the government to take the nation into confidence and make all the facts related to this brutal episode public.


ali gilani | 12 years ago | Reply

Imran Khan is never going to condemn TTP. Ever since he's joined hands with the JI and the so called "Defence of Pakistan Council", he's become a facilitator in chief for TTP atrocities. All they (TTP) need is this kind of support from a guy who wrongfully thinks that he represents 180 million people. They will claim that all Pakistanis support us (TTP). I am amazed at the people of Pakistan for their refusal to see clear and present danger of destabilization of the country. IK is a hateful man who is playing with the pride and emotions of ordinary people of Pakistan. We need to wake up and wake up quick before this hypocrite throws us over the brink. He can always go back to his western lifestyle after foolishly sacrificing the country at the altar of his overly inflated ego.

PTIfraud | 12 years ago | Reply Why don't we ever see PTI's Imran Khan criticizing India which in fact is the sworn enemy of Pakistan?
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