Faizan Haider and Faheem Shamshad were allegedly shot dead by American official Raymond Davis in a market area of Lahore on January 26, 2011.
Zahra, widow of Faizan Haider and her mother Nabeela were allegedly shot dead by Zahra’s father at their home in 52-B-1, Johar Lahore. The killer, who was identified as Shehzad Butt, fled the scene after the incident. The two were killed by Butt after a domestic dispute had erupted. Family sources claimed that Butt opposed Zahra marrying anyone other than Faizan’s brother, while the mother and daughter were against it.
Sanaullah, a security guard at a nearby school said that he heard firing at around 12:15pm and he saw Zahra’s body outside the property, while Nabeela was lying on the porch of the house. Johar Town and Town Ship Police reached the spot immediately after the killings and the bodies were shifted to a postmortem house for autopsy. They revealed that Nabeela was shot inside the house, while Zahra was shot in the street as she tried to flee.
Neighbours, on condition of anonymity said that they often heard screaming from the residence. Shehzad wanted her to marry Faizan’s brother, but she and Nabeela opposed this. A month ago Zahra secretly married another man, and when her father found out about it, he became furious which resulted in him killing his daughter and wife.
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Read my first comment. I genuinely felt and showed remorse at their deaths. But they did take the money. As for the woman who committed suicide: Sacrifice/suicide of one woman who REFUSED COMPENSATION must not be defiled for those who did.
@Antebellum You disgust me. These women did not want to take the money it was the greedy men of their family who asked them too. If you would remember one of the victims wife committed suicide before the settlement because she did not want blood payment. However her late husband's family was forcing her too. Also how does them taking blood money which is legally supported in Islamic and Pakistani law justify this honor killing? If there is a law like that in PK than you can't do anything about it whether it goes against your 'ghairat' or not.
@Babloo Well supposedly those two were hired by the ISI to follow Davis. The ISI suspected him of spying etc. Later on he realized it and shot them. I doubt two Pakistanis would try to rob a gora who had sophisticated weapons in his car.
@You Said It
They took the blood money, they signed the papers. Their choice.
@Antebellum: Sad in itself, but then these women brought shame to the whole nation for a few dollars. What goes around comes around!
Yes, it was these women's fault they married men who tried to rob Raymond Davis. It was their fault that Raymond Davis shot their husbands. They must also have negotiated the blood money amount themselves with the US, then accepted the money and also prevailed upon the Pakistan Army and the Supreme Court to release Raymond Davis. Shame on these women for master-minding this operation. Glad we have geniuses like you to bring fame to our nation.
Is the immutable law of Karma taking its course ? It often puts fear in me to see the law of Karma work itself.
Sad in itself, but then these women brought shame to the whole nation for a few dollars. What goes around comes around!
so will there be dharnas, long marches, and yelling of qaumi gheirat over this??
Oh wait. We are all right if we kill our own, but if some outsider dares do it....
@Uza syed There is nothing, and i mean NOTHING that justifies what Davis did...Full stop.
"Faizan Haider and Faheem Shamshad were allegedly shot dead by American official Raymond Davis in a market area of Lahore on January 26, 2011."
They weren't allegedly shot by Raymond Davis ! IT WAS A FACT !
How many want to bet that money was the cause of the dispute?
Guys do you really believe that Raymond Davis randomly shot two Pakistan and not two robbers who were robbing people at gun point on the road and attempted to rob him ? Think before you respond. There was a doctor couple too who had been robbed at the same place by the robbers just about an hour before they were shot and the phone of the robbed couple was discovered from the shot robbers , as per media reports at that time.
Second marriage should not be an issue for women as well, while the law dose also not prohibit it. Men should raise their intellect level in women's rights case as well.
It is a sad incident and even sadder to see people's response! Marrying second time is absolutely acceptable and so is claiming of blood money (assuming the widow wanted it. After all, it was blood money against killing of her husband). I sincerely hope justice is done !
They must had a dispute over wealth and property got in form of compensation
@Kanwal: I guess I gotta to agree with 'goof' up here. As far as PTS disorder and "psychological illness" of this family is concrned, I'm afraid this family appears to have just one simple 'disorder' and that can be defined in one word ------ GREED!
@goof That an extremely insensitive response! completely outrageous. You behave as if in Pakistan, you are BOUND to get all the facts right by reading news story. Besides, exactly how this justifies the Davis' crime and then his getting away with it, i cant understand. What if that made this whole family psychologically ill? Post-traumatic stress disorders are more common than you would know. Please show a bit of sense and sensitivity towards victims before labelling the whole family as criminals.
CIA No family, No Money! Easy peasy!
Reason is Cash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Who is there behind the door?? Is it not too tragic & too simple a tale to believe?
This is ridiculous. Father-in-law should be publically hanged till death
So would the 'ghairatmands' of this nation vow for the justice to be done with the accused killer or since the murderer is a fellow Pakistani, it doesn't qualify for the processions and loud chants of 'justice' and 'eye for an eye' slogans..
Jungle's Law in Pakistan, no one get caught
Lord where the world is going, we need a devine intervention now.
i don't suspect i know it is foul play.
CIA involved.
What a story made by the agencies...... & Express Tribune happily posts it as it is protecting the American Interest.........
End of every person associated with Raymond David case . Well played agencies !
Tell us who's responsible now-----this is a criminal family and doing what was expected, they are killing each other for the 'goodies' received through Raymond Davis' violence.
I think it was about money...
What terrible news. I think the family is cursed. May their souls RIP.
------------------but Raymound davis is living happy life with he help of pakistani fatawa and pakistan islam
I guess women wanted to get away with blood-money and the man wanted it within the family.
seems raymond davis was right. theyre just a family of criminal robbers.
Raymond Davis' victim? How? If it was a spin, it never spun at all.