A recent report by ProPakistani shows words which were searched the most by Pakistan during the year 2011. The list of those words is as follows:
1. Muhammad (pbuh)
Pakistan tops the list among all countries in the world to search for the word 'Muhammad (pbuh)'. Five Pakistani cities also top the first five spots.
2. Islam
Pakistan ranked as number three in the world to search the word 'Islam' on Google in 2011.
3. Quran
From all over the world, Pakistan was the number one location to search the word 'Quran' on Google - with Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore topping the first three spots respectively.
4. Education
Literacy rate still may not be that high in Pakistan, but it tops the list of countries searching for the word education' on Google during 2011.
5. English
Pakistan is once again on top, with Karachi and Lahore also topping the list of cities that searched for the word 'English'.
6. Scholarships
With Islamabad and Lahore on the fourth and fifth spot, Pakistan ranked on number five to search for the word 'scholarships during the year 2011'.
Apart from the above mentioned results, Pakistan also ranked as top country that searched the term 'Jobs' and 'Peace', seventh for searching 'Information Technology' and second for searching 'Physics' and 'Thesis'.
The original post appeared here.
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Pakistan tops all lists on pornographic content....
I think this is a very good article to show how things work at Google Trends. Because, as google said that the algorithms work in such a way that Pakistan may not "actually" be in the leading position for searching porn because the relatively very small number of people having access to the internet, yet the trends show it to be on the top because of the complicated "algorithms". so, in my opinion, same is the case with rest of these search terms. This articles is JUST a proof to show that we Pakistanis are NOT actually the top searching country for the word porn. Nothing more, nothing less !
Title should be: "Pakistan tops Google search for ‘Muhammad (pbuh)’, 'Quran' ". Most of the people in Arab countries and Iran uses Arabic script for searching. But it is a good thing anyway :)
This article is in poor taste and signifies nothing. Instead of waving this as a flag, people should be aware that there is a lot of misleading information regarding the two search terms posted.
@HUMZA: yes we are big fans of katrina and the waves. I'm walking on sunshine wooohooo
i am so relieved to read this, because uptil now we were considered to b da nation that watches pornography the most! i hope every1 spreads the word!
Pakistan also tops the list for searching 'katrina'...roflmao!!
@Rafiq Khan: this is story because of this: http://tribune.com.pk/story/313169/pakistan-maintains-top-slot-in-google-search-for-sex/
LOL only 29 comments. the other recent similar story got over 160 comments.
I don't think the Tribune should have run this story at all. It does not reflect anything. Please note that Pakistan also tops the list globally in words "Harvard University" and "Women Rights." What do you make of this? The spelling for "Muhammad" provided in this article are only used in Indo-Pakistan. Arab world uses "Mohamed" and Turkey uses "Mohammed." Pakistan also tops in words like "Coke" and "Pepsi." Very disaapointed with the choice of article by the Tribune team.
@sidrah khan: so you are suggesting that getting knowledge about Islam is increasing terrorism? On the contrary I think people who don't have the true knowledge are the victims of brainwashing. People who search on the web for Islam go and blast themselves, I don't think so. And for your information Education, English and Scholarships are also most searched by the Pakistanis.
That is a dangerous trend as the search usually yields Hafiz Saeed islam or Al-waki teachings.vg
its heartening to read that post. but a thought just came to my mind that Muhammad is also the most common name in the world esp. Pakistan being the second largest Muslim state its not necessary that searching for Muhammad means searching for Muhammad (pbuh)
If a Muslim reads Quran, why he needs to search "Quran" or "Muhammad" on the Internet? Did Pakistaanis search word "Allah" also?
i've also noticed it few months ago dear....
now nobody is blaming(or even thanking) it on west by posting links, explaning about complex IP''s ,server concepts and some other mumbo jumbo stuffs.
My dear brothers and sisters CONGRATS! I have a kind request to all of you to plan to do something extra ordinary this year for our great religion ISLAM and our dearest homeland PAKISTAN. Long live ISLAM and long live PAKISTAN (amen).
What about 'corruption'? http://www.google.com/insights/search/#q=corruption&date=1%2F2011%2012m&cmpt=q
Thank you Express Tribune
Excellent Year 2012 will be the Pakistani year in world
that means Google is used in Pakistan much more as compared to other countries..
@ashok sai: wr india is. Wat india is doing in kashmir , it beyound the concept of ur terrist term , killed my father when my father chlangles himself to be citizen of india, how many kashmiri becum vicitum of indian army. Find the ratio with the pak.
@ashok sai: Searching Terrorist is a good news .. because We are searching for terrorists not creating :)
No wonder that the number of militant attacks done in the name of religion has gone up in pakistan over the last few years.maybe if we had tried searching for physics,chemistry or medicine our society would have been a much better place.
This perhaps proves that we use alot of google :P
so we rank above saudi arabia and iran in searching for religious terms.more loyal to the throne than the queen herself?
Links are for reference of my previous post.
@ashok sai: Yep, that's right. We Pakistanis want to know who the real terrorists are more than anyone else.
Shows what a hypocrite society it is. They rank top in obscene words and at the same time religious terms/words. May God bless us!
United States ranks first for the terms Hate Kill Guns Bombs Brutality
and many more..
thanks God First every Outstanding post on ET
Good news, and congrats to media for highlighting it, its always bad things that get highlighted!
This also shows how many good and decent people there are in Pakistan!
Any guesses for the word 'Terrorist' on Google Trends ? http://www.google.com/trends?q=terrorist&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=0
Yeah, you got right !!!
Pakistan also ranks first for
Biological Sciences Poetry Cricket etcIts also has a high, usually top three ranking, for many other positive terms.
This is encouraging, Muhammad, Quran, Education. All three combined delivers Matchless Person, to name one (Wasif Ali Wasif)