No casualties reported in Karachi Kala Pul blast

SP Clifton says bomb seems to have been planted at the bridge.

Express December 06, 2011
No casualties reported in Karachi Kala Pul blast

KARACHI: An explosion occurred on Karachi's Kala Pul bridge on Tuesday the 10th day of Muharram (Ashura), Express News reported.

Senior Superintendent Police (SP) Tariq Dhareji of the Clifton area said one man was injured in the explosion, who was later shifted to Jinnah Hospital for treatment. He added that the bomb seemed to be a planted device.

The blast left a crater in the middle of the bridge, and was heard at a distance of about 4 kilometers.

Ambulances and Rangers personnel reached the spot.

Earlier,  Sindh Home Minister Manzoor Wassan said that over 100 venues in Karachi, Hyderabad and Khairpur were declared highly sensitive on Ashura.

Wassan said that the home ministry received threats and information about possible attacks on Ashura processions. However, the Sindh government deployed around 100,000 security personnel, 80,000 policemen and 20,000 Rangers men. The Frontier Constabulary will also be present at sensitive locations and the army has also been put on alert. “The next 24 hours are very crucial as far as the security is concerned.” The minister said that the law enforcement agencies feel confident since they foiled a terrorist attack last month.

Today, Inspector General Sindh Police Musthaq Shah said that about 30,000 policemen have been deployed for the Ashura procession moving from Nishtar Park.

Last night (Monday), a loud blast was heard in the Lines Area of Karachi which the police attributed to a "gas cylinder". A Muharram procession passed by the area just before the blast took place.

While the explosion destroyed the store the cylinder was placed in, no injuries or casualties were reported.

Security forces have been on high alert in the city due to ongoing events linked to Muharram.


PoliticallyUntamed | 12 years ago | Reply

This second bomb by terrorist today on Ashura day Muharram 10 at Kala Pul (Black Bridge) on this black day, is spilling black ink on the faces of Pakistan's and Karachi's Government, they have failed us since a long time and will do so forever and ever its PoliticallyUntamed.

May Allah keep us all safe. The government is helpless clue less and above all shameless in controlling any situation at all.

Adil | 12 years ago | Reply

The Quran in Sura Al-e-Imran says, “ And hold fast, all together, by the Rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among your selves; and remember with gratitude Allah’s favor on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His grace, you became brethren; and you were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His signs clear to you: that you may be guided” (3:103).

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