US makes 'all' Pakistan assistance subject to action against Haqqani Network

The bill makes available $161.4 million for State Department operations in Pakistan, but does not specify amounts.

Huma Imtiaz September 22, 2011
US makes 'all' Pakistan assistance subject to action against Haqqani Network

NEW YORK: Ratcheting up pressure on Pakistan, the US Senate Appropriations Committee passed a bill that makes 'all' US financial assistance to the Government of Pakistan privy to conditions of cooperation against the Hqqani network and other terror groups associated with al Qaeda.

According to a press release issued by the committee, the Senate passed the Department of State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations bill for the fiscal year 2012 by a 28-2 vote in favour.

The bill makes available $161.4 million for State Department operations in Pakistan, but “does not specify amounts for assistance for Pakistan.” The committee also voted to provide one billion dollars for the Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund.

The press release stated that “the bill includes strengthened restrictions on assistance for Pakistan by conditioning all funds to the Government of Pakistan on cooperation against the Haqqani network, al Qaeda, and other terrorist organisations, with a waiver, and funding based on achieving benchmarks.”

The conditions on aid imposed by the Senate Appropriations Committee comes after months of pressure on Pakistan to act against terrorist organisations, especially in wake of the Abbottabad raid in May this year that led to the death of al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

In recent weeks, the US government has upped the ante on Pakistan to take action against the Haqqani network, whom it blames attacking on the US Embassy and NATO Headquarters in Kabul on September 13, and the attacks on US soldiers in Wardak on September 11.

On September 20, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen called on the ISI to stop supporting proxies as part of its strategy. The same day, ISI chief General Ahmed Shuja Pasha met his CIA counterpart David Petraeus and senior White House officials during a one-day visit to Washington, where the Haqqani network remained the main focus of talks. This follows a series of high level meetings between Mullen and Chief of Army Staff General Parvez Kayani and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar.

Pakistan and US have also agreed to reduce the footprint of US troops in Pakistan from 300 to between 100 and 150 on the request of the Pakistani government.


hatyogi | 12 years ago | Reply Its a shame as to how the funds were used by Pakistan. Not a penny was used on the upliftment of the poor and needy, starving people of pakistan. A look at the economic data will show that Billions of dollors of US and other foreign aid have been used for nothing but arms purchases. Another point to be pondered over is the vast cach of nuclear weapons in Pakistan. The sort of jingoistic comments that I see, show that a vast majority of Pakistanis still dont understand that the 100 or so nukes are nothing but a bundle of worries. You spent billions in building them now you will have to spend even more to keep them safe and secure. In a few years they will be nothing but a major radioactive contamination issue. The facilities required for their safe keeping and disposal of the Radioactive waste will eat away billions more which could be otherwise utilised to feed many a hungry mouths. Then again, no one in Pakiustan has ever worried about the hunger, the starvation, the illetracy, the deaths, the lost childhood, the non existent educational system, the lack of basic facilities, the incompetant medical services, the lack of electricity, the lack of basic human rights, the absolute absence of women rights, the shambles of a railway system and over all a failed economy. All that Pakistan as a country, has ever thought is Military, F 16s, Nuclear bombs and the hatred of all that is progress. No one has to blame USA, India, but the average pakistani, for bieng fooled into believing that the world revolves around a couple of nuclear weapons which were made by feeding grass to the hungry for decades and now will feed grass to the starved for a generation to come. Bon Apitite.....
muhammad sohail | 12 years ago | Reply

say goodbye to usa aid forever and then ask them to leave pakland.ALMIGHTY ALLAH will create circumstances for this pakland to stand on own feet as the foundation of this land was laid on KALMA e TAYYABA.Where There is WILL There is a WAY.

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