Pakistan has refused to hand over one of its retired army generals to the International Tribunal of Hague on medical grounds, official sources told The Express Tribune.
The tribunal had demanded the custody of a former chief of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Javed Nasir, a retired lieutenant general, for his alleged support to Muslim fighters of Bosnia against the Serbian army in the 1990s, despite an embargo by the United Nations.
Islamabad had informed the court that the former general had ‘lost his memory’ following a recent road incident, and was, therefore, unable to face any investigation into the matter.
Nasir himself was not available for comment. However, his son, Omer Javed, told The Express Tribune that his father was not in service during the Bosnia war in 1993-95, as he had already been “removed from the army”.
The summons came when Serbian army officials were put on trial by The Hague Tribunal for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Bosnia, during which it was revealed that Nasir was actively involved in the war and had supported and provided arms to the Bosnian resistance.
(Read: Karadzic war crimes trial witness details horrors)
The case was built on a ‘confessional statement’ that Nasir made in a petition filed by his legal counsel against an English daily after the newspaper published a report of his alleged involvement in embezzlement.
The former general in a petition filed in an anti-terrorism court in Lahore on October 23, 2002 had disclosed that “despite the UN ban on supply of arms to the besieged Bosnians, he successfully airlifted sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles which turned the tide in favour of Bosnian Muslims and forced the Serbs to lift the siege, much to the annoyance of the US government”.
Nasir further stated that he “became a target of US, Indian and secular-minded lobbies both inside and outside Pakistan.” Having failed to buy him off, he said, the US government started a propaganda campaign against him and demanded his removal as ISI chief – warning that, otherwise, “Pakistan would be declared a terrorist state”.
He further stated that over 300 articles were circulated on the internet by the western media which contained references dubbing Nasir the ‘only radical Islamist head of the ISI who was an active member of the Tableeghi Jamaat’.
In April 1993, the US finally warned Pakistan in writing to remove the complainant from his post of ISI chief – following which Nasir was prematurely retired from service by the caretaker government of Mir Balkh Sher Mazari on May 13, 1993, he stated.
The demand for Nasir’s custody came when the International Criminal Tribunal put on trial the former chief of the Yugoslavia army Gen Momcilo Perisic and his deputy Gen Ratko Mladic for war crimes and crimes against humanity during the war in Bosnia and Croatia in the 1990s.
(Read: Accountability for war crimes)
Perisic and Ratko had reportedly told the court that the military help to the Bosnian Muslims by Gen Nasir forced them to retaliate against Bosnian Muslims, who were fighting against the Serb army for their national independence.
The authorities concerned declined to comment on the matter.
The Bosnian War followed the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991, when Serbs, Croats and Muslims fought for control of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Tactics used by the three factions were complex; allegiances changed as two sides would join forces against the third.
More than 100,000 people died after three-and-a-half years of conflict. The city of Sarajevo was in a state of permanent siege for the duration of the war.
The war saw a level of barbarism more marked than normal conflict. Mass rape, torture and indiscriminate murder were frequently carried out until the Dayton Peace Agreement paved the way for a settlement.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 20th, 2011.
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@Pakistani: I don't know whether you are a Muslim or not but you sure have a ruthless heart,and what do you mean by "other's conflict?" shame on you. Hapless women, men, old, young children,starved,cold and sick, in the hand of murderers about to suck their blood to quench their thirst, waiting and looking for miracle to happen to be saved and yet you say it "other's conflict", what kind of Muslim are you,( if you are a Muslim),.Were not they KALMAGO Muslims,? If this would have happened anywhere in Kashmir, your king size ego would have been in peril, show some sanity and humanity man, you must remember one thing, there isn't anything like so caled Pan Islamic Umma or others, but one thing, Muslims are beyond geographical boundaries, listen the call of help and rush to help, if you can't at least pray. this is the one quality of Muslims ,otherwise you are merely, a PUNJABI, SINDHI ,BALOCHI, MOHAJIR and yes a "Pakistani" too, confined in a small world of prejudices.The man who anyway reached there to help them by any means is a mujahid.Muslims dont believe in and care so called barrier on the way of Muslims who's lives are at stake at the hand of non Muslims. .
@Deb: It is obvious that our Heroes will be Villains to you,, U Didn't mentioned Mahmud Ghaznavi or Shahabuddin Ghori etc.... there is big list of our heroes that u will see in a negative role. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is big example of it. So therefore it is adviced to you that you should comment based upon reality,, not upon ur prospective...... Thanks !!
@Deb: I think u r going off course..... i think when u write a comment,, u should be brave enough to specify ur location.... so we can answer you accordingly..... & plz be careful while talking about our Heroes !!!!
Going by most of the comments on this page it appears that average Pakistani has a perverse love for people who break the laws they are suppose to obey.Whether it is domestic or international, war or sports.Starting from invaders like Md Bin Qasim,Ghazni,Nadir Shah to activist Dr Fai,the lady doctor in US prison to Qadri the assilant of Salman Taseer...the list can go on and on.And now this Major. No wonder a cricketer who was caught on camera while scrubbing the pitch with his boot studs (Faisalabad test against England) and then chewing the ball enjoys an iconic stasus and considered a national hero.
First go get George W Bush and Tony Blair. This man defended innocent people from slaughter.
@Dinesh Chetti: Infact it was hindus who butchered them and blamed it on pakiatan. Unfortunately mass media was not their to tell the whole truth.
@malik: Wake up! what about giving Palestiniasn and Kashmiris their due rights? UN is corrupt organization that protects criminal governments. And paksitan doesn't need aid through agents planting bombs and killing people in our country.
@Aftab Kenneth Wilson: Very correct . Decision to declare Hamid Gul as international terrorist is pending with non other than the UN security council. Benazir Bhutto had also declared him a threat to her.
This is the last thing we Pakistanis need. Getting involved in other peoples conflicts in the name of Pan-islamic ummah. How about our Muslim 'brothers" do something for us and prove their brotherhood. We are a nation to be used by the racist middle eastern and other islamic nations like a tool.
If someone's life is at stake, somewhere ,does it matter which source is used to save his life and who went to save his live, RAHUL OR RAHMAN, ABBAS OR ABHAS. Pakistan should send this Mujahid to the tribunal, and he should stand there head high explaining his side of the story, despite of the consequences, as to why did he help the hapless people, and that will be the real profile of a Mujahid. Muslims all over the world will be proud of him.Humanity will gloat on him.
Lt Gen Nasir Pakistan is proud of you Bosnia is proud of you
@Qasim: "The UN is just a tool the west uses...." If so, then all Islamic nations should set an example by resigning and quitting UN en masse. They can then change OIC to United Muslim Nations. How about that? Why don't they? @MAD: "Pakistan shall duly forward him to Hague once he recovers (if ever). " Pakistan does not have the facilities for his recovery. They should send him now so those Europeans can jog his memory.
Soon all ISI agents will be on wanted list!
So when NATO helps Libyan rebels its humanitarian, but when we do it we become WAR CRIMINALS... FUNNY how the world works....
What khi has to do with this topic. I know once Pak is strong internally it can play effective global role but if some right action has been done then it should have appreciated. One sided UN embargo not acceptable plus Bosnian Serbs had back up supply from Serbia Bosnian Croats had back up supply from Croatia it is but natural that Bosnian muslim had back up supply from Muslim Ummah. (Its all but natural action reaction so why so much fuss@Dinesh Chetti:
There is nothing called ethics in intl politics. please come out of your ideal world@malik:
Anyways the poor man has sufferred injuries in an unfortunate accident which include total memory loss so he is in no fit state to stand trial. Pakistan shall duly forward him to Hague once he recovers (if ever). So no issue just an unfortunate chain of events that may never be unravelled due to the unfortunate accident.
So when will G Bush be tried in criminal court for the " shock and awe " for waging a war on a country for WMD. When?
Freeman : You have not answered my posts fully or properly. Pakistan has more problems in their own country to attend to than go and help muslims thousands of miles away on religious grounds. If u are a superpower, we assume you have solved your local problems and want to apply your view on others, right or wrong is another matter, Helping foreigners, whichever religion they belong to, at the cost of local population and alms from abroad is not acceptable. And that too thru non state mechanism is not proper at all. Asking me not to poke my nose is getting too personal and that too is improper in a discussion forum. Logic and reasoning is what is expected and not shunning others' opinion.
I have met few Bosnian Muslims, none of them know this hero.. They only know Bill Clinton, who destroyed Serb Infrastructure and brought them to knees. Once his was most popular name in Bosnia for newly borns. If our General is their hero, why Bosnians do not know him? Our heroes sell arms in black market and log them under Islamic service.
@Muhammad Ayaz: These things didn't happen. They are merely accusations of convenience.
What goes around comes around ISI has interfered in everyone's affair so no one trusts ISI. As far as Bosnia is concerned how much money did they give you for flood relief i guess none so stop leaving in a fools paradise.
I m deeply impressed with General Nasir's achievement. Reading this article, i realized why US was so much after him. If he has done what he says, then I salute him and he is our nation's hero.
People of Bosina must be deeply indebted to him. For if it was not him, Bosinians would have been stateless like Kashmiris, Paletininians and Chechens. There is no mood in the world to give oppressed muslim any freedom. They are always on the wrong side of the war.
As for the Imperial Court of Justice, let them make the noise. Pakistan should tell them in no uncertain terms that it will not hand over one of its citizens.Its one unequal world and the laws of this world only apply to the weak.
I request to the Indian commentators here to just shut up. Their comments are out of context and they smack of hatred against Pakistan.
Long Live this general if he had sided with the poor Muslims of Bosnia when they were being ethnically cleansed by the oppressors.
Let us all salute this man all others like him.
@vasan: This pakistani Officer did really good thing to save un-armed and poor people from brabarian regime. He made us proud becasue he did the right thing.
@vasan: Are you saying if big power do the same thing that is justified to do and if a poor country's officer do it then its wrong? GROW UP.
Did America get UN Authorisation when attacked on Iraq???
I think you should stop pocking your nose in these matters.
@malik: I think CIA have done more dangrous things than ISI. None of the World region is safe from CIA. Will American govenment ever handed over any agent or their army officer to internetional organisations, Never Despite they have done crimes against humanity. TEHN Why Pakistan hand over its own X-army officer?
This army officer have protected poor people from the brutle regime and saved them from barbarians.
International laws are only implemeted on poor countries only.
I think every intelligence agency has something to hide. But you always clean your footsteps!! Nasir should have thought that before. I guess he is the same as evry pakistani! Hosh k bajey josh say kam karnay wala!!!
@malik: flood appeal ? that is our right to ask UN to help us raise funds as for arms embargo did france respect the arms embargo on Libya ?
real trouble makers in this world are India and NATO not Pakistan Know your enemy
First this "General Nasir" guy should be tried in pakistan for braking our law and code of army conduct only then he should be handed over. The money he spent was the pakistani tax payers money that should have spent for pakistanis health and education.
It is only a matter of understanding, saving thousands of men, women and children from rape and torture was I think a service to humanity. Proud of the General who literally sacrificed his today for our tomorrow.
There is ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Xinjiang, China too. But, nobody seems interested from Pakistan to do anything about it.
I wonder why? Is it because China gives Pakistan money and weapons? Is money greater than the sympathy for another Human Being, who is following Islam?
It's quite clear when Pakistani govt openly supported Bosnians muslims. At the same time send it's troops on peace mission there. There are lots of stories in Africa as well for uplifting local community statuses and providing them great service to empower them socially.
Well done Pakistan Army and ISI. Proud of you as always.
This terrorist must be executed or given to the Hague. Breaking the law even if one thinks one is on the right side of it is wrong.
@Osama Shah: Dude were you living on another Planet in the nineties?? The Americans bombed the Serbs to hell .. and they weren't doing the Muslims any favors. The American intervention in the Balkans was designed to counter Russian influence and secure access to the central asian 'stans'.
Pakistani's would be quite disappointed to know that in Bosnia American's are considered hero's -- and if you asked them if Pakistan deserves Kudo's you will get a blank stare.
Thanks God we have such brave men in our ranks.He stood guard aginst the killers of humanity,helped his muslim brehren in bosnia to defend themsemselves from the wrath of serb barbarians.He should be admired and saluted for the great services he rendered to the bosnian muslims and brought us some honour.May Allah bless him.hats off
@malik: Only Pakistan should obey the UN regulations. Others like India, Israel, US, UK, France, Sri Lanka, etc. can do whatever they feel fit for their national cause.
how come the arms embargo was only imposed on the bosnians and not the yugoslavians who were slaughtering innocent muslims? how do u expect inncocent people to defend themselves from an army which was equipped with state of the art weapons? for me gen javed nasir is a hero. maybe everyone should watch this documentary and try and understand what exactly happened in bosnia.
@malik: The smartest comment i have read on this post.
thanks God we have such brave peoples in our ranks..he rendered his duty and helped bosnians to defend themselves from the wrath of fascist serbians...may Allah bless him for the services he rendered to helpless bosnian muslims..hats off.
I am proud of Javed Nasir, he did nothing wrong instead he helped people who are oppressed, prosecuted and killed.
If NATO can help the oppressed people in Libya why can’t Pakistan help oppressed people in Bosnia.
@ saleem: He would have been awarded a Nishan e Haider but he has forgotten all about it and might blurt out the truth!
@ vasan.. Pakistan favours Muslim Ummah wherever it is needed.... In Bosnia, it was a genuine case & Bosnians will never forget this favor..... FYI, Pakistan has shot down more Israeli Planes then any other country in the world.... Pakistan is there whereever muslims are in trouble.... Bosnia, Chechniya, Kashmir, Georgia, Albania, Afghanistan, Cyprus (Turkish)... Even Haram Shareef.... Proud of ISI.....
@Sajjad: First take care of small city called Karachi.
@Kafka: ok then what about the ethnic cleansing of bengali muslims in east pakistan ??? Internal matter huh ???
This guy is definitely a hero of the whole muslim world if he really did what the UN says he did. I think Pakistanis should feel proud of this man & his service to humanity. But then again you guys also have some western breed seculars. The biggest threat to each and every muslim country in the world is not the west but this self enlightened seculars who suffer from inferiority complex and pass their time bashing anything and everything related to Islam and muslims. The solution to this problem is teaching school going kids Islamic history and the true face western civilization. I think its high time muslim countries should follow their own education caricullum rather than importing western caricullum . Muslim countries have the intellectual and scientific capability to do that and I pray to almighty Allah that muslim countries have their own education system powered by muslim intellectuals and only then can muslim rise as world leaders again. The chinese , koreans & japanese all teach history books written by their own scholars not written by western scholars and as a result their kids grow up learning the true history and culture of their people and this also strenghten their patriotism.
@Pundit: Being a Pakistani, I am overwhelmingly proud of what he did ans so does the Bosnians.
What to say about the atrocities committed to Muslims in Bosnia by the Serbian army and so called civilized world (European& Americans) kept on watching the massacres.
Where is Lt Gen Hamid Gul ..???? Jawed Nasir must be checked by doctors whether he is fit or unfit to face the trial rather than believing those whom no one believes any where in the world. Crime is crime and Charity is Charity.
We need more great generals like him.
Good decision. We are a sovereign state and we cannot allow any such step.
I am not a supporter of proxy wars and armed militias, however in light of the recent conflict seen in Libya, where Qatar has provided arms to rebels, I think for once ISI took the right step. This is not an issue of 'ummah' or 'religion' rather that Bosians were being massacred left and right. There would have been no need of arms smuggling had NATO taken action sooner. Still, I applaud Nato for taking action and ending the bloodshed.
@shazada loan: Well, let me ask you this question: why doesn't any muslim country indict George Bush in the International Court of Justice. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait (they certainly have the resources to do so), Egypt, Pakistan? Because it is so much easier to rant and rave against the evil europeans and americans, rather than do something about it. and by 'something', I do not mean the so-called 'global jihad'.
@Adeel Ahmed: you cannot have one person acting against state interests. it's Pakistanis' delusional view as leaders of jihad that has landed us in the sorry state we are in.
@Arindom: and a very bad name at that.
@guest-worker: am apalled at this comment.
Super power not so powerful when it comes to ISI
If Pakistanis are so keen on supporting the muslims irrespective of national boundaries, why are they not helping their ummah in China ie uighers ? Were they supporting both Iran and Iraq during the forgotten wars between them. Why cant ISI act against Israel?
Let us all just think about this matter in context of worsening relations with the "Might is right" attitude of some diamond heads in Washington. Is it the UN that is after this admirable Lt.Gen and why this matter has cropped up now? Do we not know that the strings of the UN are pulled by those diamond heads in Washington? This answers everything we want to know.
We all know what happened in bosnia....who killed who....who supported who....who supplied arms to who....is their any general form Russia is summoned??....it is the right thing to block any move from Hague court....General did a right thing....saved thousands.... this was not the only way Pakistani forces were invovled in bosnian conflict....they were deployed as part of UN peacekeeping forces to protect bosnian population
@guest-worker Any leader or general from Europe convicted of smuggling of nukes into middle-east(Israel)??....
The man is a hero. This is the same war in which the UN dilly-dallied while thousands were being massacred and rapes, where UN peacekeepers looked on as Serbs butchered Bosnians at Srebrenica. He deserves a medal. Unjust laws must not be obeyed.
He helped fellow muslim brothers in Bosnia to save them from ethenic cleansing by Serbs. UN should appreciate his efforts for saving lives of innocent civilians.
By the way, see the hypocracy of UN. They are providing wars to rebels in Libya who are trying to topple a ligitimate goverment. And on Bosnia, they imposed embargo which was under attack. Why they did not ask Russia why it was providing arms to Serbs during the conflict. And why the whole world was silent on massacre.
Well done Pakistan that we helped our brothers in Bosnia. FN allowed serbs to mass killing muslims. It was done by Holland forces who gavce muslims men to serbs who killed them in 1000s. If it wasnt for muslims brother from Pakistan etc they would be no muslims left !!!
If Briton and US can go anywhere in world for action then why not Pakistan. We should also takecare of Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, Sudan and Afghnistan.
Good to hear my naive friends about respecting the treaty and following the law. why does the law only comes into play when someone like Gen Javed is involved. lets summon Clinton, Bush, Obama, Rumsfled etc also along with Gen Javed (for this crime) for their war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan etc. oh....the only damage they have done is "collateral damage" which is completely acceptable to the liberal brigade. i think we should start analyzing the situation before following western propoganda schemes to show ourselves as the enlightened and liberal beings.
@ malik:
Yes, there is a rule of law, but did you think even for a second that mighty nations of the world didn't even bother to obey the rules and laws of UN.
If ISI was helping the Bosnian Muslims, then there are proofs that Musad and CIA were supporting the other factions in the Bosnia.
And more important, who gave a licence to CIA to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, it is the puppet UN. In this world might is right. In my view, General Javed has performed his duty with sincerity to support the Muslims of Bosnia.
we must respect and protect our millitary personnels who have faced all the challenges with unflenched courage and secured our homeland from foreign aggression.we should not hand over our heroes to the enemies.pakistanies must keep in mind that international forces have been trying hard to disintegrate only islamic atomic power but pakistan army is only institution that have prevented them from doing so.as a result evil forces have decided to individually target our millitary personnels .it is time for us to stand by our army and strenghthen it to combate anti pakistan elements. mic power but pakistan army is only institution that have prevented them from doing so.as a result evil forces have decided to individually target our millitary personnels .it is time for us to stand by our army and strenghthen it to combate anti pakistan elements.
Any law, UN or International, should apply equally to all the signatories and if there is one gross neglegece for one country then it gives the right to others to use the law in their favor as well. Look at Israel, US and many other nations who only serve the interests of their own nation and citizen. Why shouldn't Pakistan do the same. By saying so, it must not be understood that this general is guilty. He is wanted only on alleged crime and Pakistan should never hand him over. If he is convicted with credible evidence. Then it should be upto Pakistan to prosecute him. Pakistan is not a signatory of ICC and it's jurisdiction does not apply to Pakistan.
On the other hand, if you talk about UN and it's Law, then first of all apply this law equally to everyone and take the Veto rights away from US, Russia, China, UK and France. What give them this right to choose their judgement in favor of themselves or their friends?
well some childlike minds are talking about adhering to un commitment when everybody knows it is a tool of western world to use against islam and other thirdworld countries,where is UN IN palestine kashmir,afganistan,iraq libya,wake up before it too late.support your army,govt and national defence,no matter how bad it is.ur country is next varie,they might not attack you but they have been successful in creating discord and confusion in your land.
Watching Bosnians killed just because they were Muslims was a cruel act.... Serbians were taught a lesson they'll never forget.... & the Americans till the war was on Serbs favor was quite spectator,, & when the tie was turned in favor of Muslims, they brought the UN Treaty.... How Cute !!
No one is looking at the real issue here. The US notified Pakistan in writing to remOve it's intelligence chief and it did! How can Pakistan allow other countries to dictate to it such important internal matters? If Pakistan was not sovereign then, I shudder to think what the situation is now!
If General Nasir really helped the Bosnian while Bill Clinton was holding back and the Dutch under NATO let thousands be butchered in Srebenica. Than he should be awarded a Nishan e Haider. His other activities related to Tableeghi jamaat notwithstanding.
i am surprised by some of the comments made by fellow Pakistanis concerning General Nasir. He is a great man and a hero to Muslims that were viciously brutalised by the West. The court at the Hague is neither International nor a court - it is nothing more than the tool used by the anti Muslim European dicators and American Christians. It is about time Pakistan left the Hague protocol - given no american or European has been investigated let alone prosecuted. The Americans have genocidally killed millions in Iraq and Afghanistan while the Europeans have helped the americans to kill many Muslims at the present and in the past. The International Court of Justice at the Hague should be dismantled and the people running it sent home. Well done general Nasir. You have my full support - anyone thinking of it otherwise should be careful. Shazada Loan
When the brave & honest General , supplied the arms despite UN ban on supply of arms to the besieged Bosnians, he must face the music, if he does not look around what happend, it will the people of Pakistan left to face the music for his deeds this is not acceptable.
Muslims were at the receiving end during the Bosnian war. UN failed to provide them safety. Their was an ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Bosnia. I would stand behind the General as he broke the laws to save lives.
I salute the man. What he did was absolutely correct.
I am amazed how people comment on matters they never had any knowledge about. Keep blaming Judiciary and the Generals on write-ups, no matter how serious and important that issue is for the Nation or the Umma...... Where does the question of Nukes come here. Shouldn't we be careful while commenting on any thing? Are we unintentionally working on some one's agenda? May ALLAH PAK BLESS such brainless ones...
Is there any corner of the world which is safe from our GHQ ?
He even supported Xingiang resistance against China; that was why he was removed
Wow! the ISI has been quite active, hasn't it, earning more name and fame for Pakistan!!
Normally they would not even give him a visit visa to any western country and now they want him "handed over". He should have smuggled nukes into Europe instead anti tank rockets.
Amazing how Pakistani politicians, Zardari, had heart problems and was bipolar for his court apprearances in Europe and now Pakistani Army generals have lost their memory based upon an alleged auto accident. This guy should be sent to the Hague as per the treaty and let him say all these things in front of judges, not the gutless ones in Pakistan, but real judges