The Islamabad High Court has scheduled the hearing of Khawar Maneka's appeal against the acquittal of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan and wife Bushra Bibi in the iddat case for Monday. Justice Azam Khan, recently appointed to the Islamabad High Court, will preside over the hearing, Express News reported.
Maneka had challenged the decision issued by an additional sessions judge on 13 July 2024, which acquitted the couple in the case. The appeal calls for the annulment of the lower court's verdict.
On July 13, 2024, the additional sessions judge had acquitted Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi of charges related to their alleged marriage during Bushra Bibi’s iddat (a waiting period prescribed by Islamic law after a woman's divorce or husband's death).
Previously, the district and sessions court in Islamabad overturned the seven-year prison sentence handed down to Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi, granting them an honourable acquittal in the case.
During the hearing, Salman Akram Raja represented Imran Khan, while Usman Riaz Gul appeared on behalf of Bushra Bibi. Both lawyers cross-examined the prosecution's four witnesses, which included Maneka, Awn Chaudhry, the Nikah Khwan (marriage officiant) Mufti Saeed, and a household employee, Latif.
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