Toiling before the fire-belching furnaces, they give the country's women the most exquisite bangles, yet they remain deprived of wages worth the salt of their sweat.
The Hyderabad's bangle industry workers complain of being sold down the river by their own leaders. With nearly 13 CBA-certified unions in these factories, labour laws are rarely implemented.
The bangle factory cluster remains hotbed for exploitation of workers.
The Hyderabad Bangle Industry Workers' Federation highlighted the plight of thousands of labourers working in bangle factories.
Workers do not receive appointment letters, termination notices, or factory cards, making it impossible to maintain records of wages or employment.
Sindh's government set the minimum wage for unskilled adult and adolescent workers in industrial and commercial establishments at Rs37,000 per month. However, the Labour Department in Hyderabad has failed to enforce this directive.
Most laborers in industrial areas like Hyderabad SITE receive only Rs20,000-25,000 per month, far below the mandated minimum wage.
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