Rami Malek, the 43-year-old actor best known for his role in Bohemian Rhapsody, opened up about his relationship with Emma Corrin, 29, in a recent interview with The Guardian. The couple has been publicly dating since July 2023, and Malek shared that he finds Corrin, who uses "they/them" pronouns, to be "fascinating."
Photo: Raymond Hall/Getty Images
When asked to describe Corrin, Malek replied coyly, saying, "We like quirky," after the reporter described them as "smart and quirky." He also revealed a more personal detail, mentioning that they spent a quiet evening together watching the film Dr. Strangelove. However, Malek generally kept his relationship details private during the conversation.
Photo: Dilson Silva/BACKGRIDUSA
Malek also spoke fondly of a surprise Thanksgiving dinner that Corrin organized for him, saying it "blew him away." The couple’s bond appears to be growing stronger, despite Malek’s reluctance to share much about their personal life.
Before his relationship with Corrin, Malek dated actress Lucy Boynton for nearly five years.
Photo: Ann Presley/Getty Images
Emma Corrin, who came out as non-binary in 2022, previously shared with Vogue that their understanding of gender is fluid, stating, "Gender just isn’t something that feels fixed and I don’t know if it ever will be."
Professionally, Malek is preparing to star in a London production of Oedipus, which will run from January 21 through March 29. The actor’s career continues to flourish as he takes on new roles, while his personal life with Corrin remains a more private affair.
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