Bollywood icon Kareena Kapoor Khan once again flaunted her sartorial chops at the opening night of the Raj Kapoor Film Festival, held in Mumbai on Friday. Honouring her grandfather Raj Kapoor's 100th birth anniversary, the actor donned a traditionally desi and elegant ensemble by celebrated Pakistani designer Iqbal Hussain, as per Hindustan Times.
While the Jab We Met actor is known for her bold, red carpet-ready silhouettes – like her jaw-dropping purple velvet Oscar de la Renta gown at the Red Sea International Film Festival earlier this year that featured 3D appliquéd orchids and a perfectly dramatic net fascinator – she has an undeniable affinity for more relaxed yet polished ethnic wear at intimate occasions. Hussain's thoughtfully crafted ensemble exuded a quiet luxury that was both nostalgic and contemporary, befitting the celebratory evening.
The ivory pure cotton silk kurta stood out for its meticulous details, including rust piping along the sides and neckline, and delicate tassels. Underneath, she wore a matching ivory tissue shirt, its gota work on the sleeves showcasing the finesse of traditional South Asian craftsmanship.
The look came together with an ivory silk crushed pyjama, lending a soft, fluid silhouette, and a matching dupatta finished with rust piping on all four sides. To add a touch of shimmer, the designer incorporated striking zari booties throughout the ensemble. Retailing for PKR95,000 on Iqbal Hussain's official website, the outfit strikes the perfect balance between classic craftsmanship and modern minimalism.
Stylist Lakshmi Lehr, ensured the look was fresh yet timeless. Kareena's makeup was refreshingly understated – a light base, soft kohl-lined eyes, and a muted nude lip complemented her glowing skin. Her hair, styled in soft waves, framed her face elegantly, while layered necklaces lent a dose of old-world charm to the ensemble.
The designer himself took to Instagram to share Bebo's look, writing, "Ever so gorgeous Kareena Kapoor Khan exudes old world charm in Iqbal Hussain at the showman Raj Kapoor's 100th birth anniversary celebration."
In contrast, Kareena's cousin-in-law Alia Bhatt opted for a classic Indian designer for the occasion – a Sabyasachi saree. It was a white drape adorned with pastel floral prints and a muted lavender-pink border. She paired her look with a striking pearl choker featuring an emerald centrepiece.
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