On December 4, 2024, Felix “xQc” Lengyel, a prominent Twitch and Kick streamer, stirred controversy during a livestream by sharing his views on the death of George Floyd. His comments, made after watching a video by YouTuber Tyler Oliveira titled I Investigated George Floyd’s “Murder”, challenged the widely accepted notion that Floyd’s death was primarily about racism.
After watching Oliveira's 40-minute video, which questions the events surrounding Floyd’s death and the protests that followed, xQc stated that he did not believe racism was a central factor. “I am actually kind of sold. After a thorough watch of all the scenarios, I don't even know how any of those are about racism,” xQc remarked. He explained that he did not find the arguments presented compelling enough to connect Floyd’s death to racial motivations.
Oliveira's video, which has faced significant backlash for promoting anti-Black views, suggests that the protests and subsequent discussions were not fundamentally about racism. xQc seemed to align with this perspective, expressing doubt that there was sufficient “language or behavior” to support the idea that racism played a role in Floyd’s death. "When you take two cases where there's not a lot of language or behavior that looks like racism, the whole thing isn’t going to be a strong case against racism,” he elaborated.
These remarks quickly garnered attention across social media, with many users criticizing xQc’s stance. This isn't the first time the streamer has made controversial remarks on sensitive topics. Earlier in 2024, he addressed a similar controversy regarding comments made by fellow streamer Asmongold about Palestinians. As the debate continues to unfold, xQc’s comments add another layer to the ongoing discussion surrounding racism, policing, and public protests.
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