The Pretty Little Liars reboot, titled Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, has been officially cancelled after two seasons on Max. The news was confirmed on Friday, September 20, by multiple entertainment outlets. The series, which debuted in July 2022, was an attempt to revive the popular teen mystery drama but struggled to capture the same audience as its predecessor.
The reboot, created by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Lindsay Calhoon Bring, was set in the same universe as the original Pretty Little Liars series but followed a new group of teens haunted by dark secrets and a mysterious figure named "A." Despite the show’s loyal fanbase, it failed to generate the same buzz as the original series, which aired on Freeform from 2010 to 2017.
Max has not yet released an official statement on the reasons for the cancellation, but reports suggest that viewership numbers and overall reception may have played a role. Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin received mixed reviews, with some critics praising its darker tone but others finding it lacked the charm of the original.
The cancellation has disappointed fans of the Pretty Little Liars universe, many of whom took to social media to express their dismay.
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