KU teachers' body observes Black Day

Stages protest rally against 'illegal detention' of KU Syndicate member

Our Correspondent September 03, 2024
KU teachers' body observes Black Day


The Karachi University Teachers Society (KUTS) observed a black day in solidarity with Dr. Riaz Ahmed, an associate professor and Syndicate member at the University of Karachi (KU), who was illegally detained by police on Saturday.

KUTS organized a rally from the staff club to the admin block, where participants protested against the detention and boycotted classes. A meeting was also held by KUTS, attended by both teaching and non-teaching staff, to condemn the detention.

KUTS President Dr. Shah Ali Qadr expressed his concerns, stating that teachers are subjected to mistreatment, which is unacceptable. He recounted the events leading to Dr. Ahmed's detention, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the issue. The association decided to observe a black day and boycott classes in response to what they deemed an abduction of a fellow teacher.

Dr. Qadr highlighted the significance of KU, stating that the university leads the country and is looked up to by society. He pointed out that Dr. Ahmed was apolitical and condemned the abduction of teachers, calling it unacceptable. Dr. Qadr also criticized the university administration for failing to resolve issues like promotions and salaries, which often fall to the teachers' society to address. He questioned the allocation of land to the university, asserting that the land remains the university's property and has not been given away.

Sindh Professors and Lecturers Association (SPLA) President Munawar also attended the meeting to express solidarity with Dr. Ahmed.

Dr. Riaz Ahmed told the meeting that a fake method was used to declare Islamabad High Court Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri's degree as fake. He claimed his detention was a tactic to intimidate and pressure Syndicate members before their August 30 meeting, where they were set to decide on the degree's validity. Dr. Ahmed argued that no one should be above the law and criticized the external pressure exerted on the Syndicate.

Dr. Ahmed expressed his frustration with the process, questioning why the degree was initially accepted if it was fake. He pointed out that the Unfair Means Committee, formed by the vice-chancellor, hastily recommended canceling the degree without giving members sufficient time to review the three-page document presented at the meeting.

Dr. Ahmed emphasised that the decision to declare the degree fake was made without proper consideration and called for a thorough investigation.

He also criticised the composition of the Syndicate, noting that none of its 22 members, including the elected representatives, hold a PhD. He demanded the removal of the Vice-Chancellor and called for a new meeting to address the issue. Additionally, he requested an investigation into the members who signed off on the decision to cancel Justice Tariq's degree.

Dr. Ahmed explained that the teachers' society organised a meeting in solidarity with him after his illegal detention in an old case in which he was acquitted. He reiterated his commitment to teaching, having served for 30 years without harming anyone.

In his address, Dr. Ahmed highlighted the issue of impunity at KU, citing the example of the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), which has had the same director for 50 years without accountability. He alleged that certain individuals have created 3,400 plots, effectively running a dictatorship within the university.

Dr. Ahmed questioned the legitimacy of the Unfair Means Committee, stating that it lacked proof to declare Justice Tariq's degree fake, leaving the final decision to the Syndicate. He argued that the Syndicate couldn't make a decision without forming a proper committee, which was the responsibility of the vice-chancellor.


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