44 violators arrested for breaching sea swimming ban in Karachi

Mauripur police filed three FIRs under Pakistan Penal Code 188

News Desk July 29, 2024
Citizens enjoy at the Sea View Beach in spite of a ban by the commissioner following multiple drownings during the high tides season. Photos: Express

Karachi police arrested at least 44 people for violating a ban on swimming in the sea on Sunday, according to Express News. On June 29, Karachi Commissioner Syed Hasan Naqvi imposed a complete ban on swimming in the sea for one month in light of increasing tidal surges. 

A notification issued in this regard stated that large and dangerous waves were forming near the coast in Karachi, posing a risk to the lives of those swimming in the sea. According to the notification, local Station House Officers (SHOs) have been authorised to register cases against individuals who violate the ban.

Deputy commissioner Kemari, Junaid Khan, presented a report to the commissioner detailing the enforcement of the swimming ban. The report highlighted that strict measures were implemented to enforce Section 144. Naqvi instructed the deputy commissioner to ensure strict compliance with the ban to protect citizens' lives.

According to the report, on Sunday, Mauripur police conducted operations and registered three First Information Reports (FIR) under Pakistan Penal Code 188, resulting in the arrest of 44 people.

Earlier, citizens of the metropolitan city were openly defying a ban on bathing in the sea to beat the heat amid severe hot and humid conditions exacerbated by prolonged power outages. Citizens attributed the defiance to long-hour load-shedding, which they claim has made adherence to the ban difficult.


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