Naag Mandir preservation nears completion

Initiative highlights diversity of religious monuments in Lahore Fort

Our Correspondent July 28, 2024


The Walled City of Lahore Authority (WCLA), in partnership with the Aga Khan Cultural Service Pakistan (AKCSP) and the US embassy, is working on the Sikh era Naag Temple situated inside the Lahore Fort, a UNESCO world heritage site, with the project scheduled to be completed by the end of August.

Since September 2022, the AKCSP and the WCLA have been collaborating on the US embassy-funded project 'Cross-Cultural Edifices of Lahore Fort'. The initiative aims to highlight the diversity of religious monuments across the site as well as preserve cultural legacy.

According to a statement, the site, a testament to the city's diverse cultural heritage, is undergoing meticulous restoration to preserve its architectural and historical significance.

The conservation project aims to protect the temple's structural integrity, repair damaged elements as well as work on restoring its context and fix water drainage issues.

The team also aims to preserve the surface decoration to restore its original splendour along with opening up the site for visitors. The project is scheduled to finish by the end of August.

WCLA Director General Kamran Lashari said the temple showcases the inter-faith harmony of the old times.

"This is a small but important monument inside the Lahore Fort. We are thankful to AKCSP and the US embassy for conserving this building and reviving its lost look and beauty.

This monument was extremely neglected and was away from the eyes of the tourists and authorities. AKCSP and WCLA have taken up the conservation of this site, as we aim to conserve and restore every part of Lahore Fort," he added.


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