Police to vet evidence before arrest

Investigations chief bars misuse of supplementary statements

Muhammad Shehzad July 24, 2024
Punjab Police: PHOTO


Police investigations officials and station house officers (SHOs) throughout Punjab have been instructed not to arrest citizens on the basis only of supplementary statements of complainants.

"Nominating someone through a supplementary statement without any concrete proof is not an admissible evidence," the additional inspector general of the police investigations branch stated in his instructions in this regard.

Under a 'free registration' policy, the Punjab Police top brass had issued instructions for immediately filing FIRs of heinous offences if the suspects were unidentified. The policy was introduced to facilitate the citizens in lodging their complaints.

However, police officials had started abusing the provision by advising complainants to lodge FIRs against unidentified suspects. When a case was registered, the investigations officer would obtain a supplementary statement nominating a person who was arrested by the police.

The additional IG told the officials across the province to stop the practice as it was against the spirit of the constitution.

He called for vetting the supplementary statements in the light of evidence.

Two months back, while hearing a habeas corpus petition, the Lahore High Court (LHC) had asked an SHO to present the daughter of the petitioner. However, the SHO, instead of complying with the court orders, had submitted a report that the girl was involved in a robbery case under Section 392 of the Pakistan Penal Code. She had been implicated in the case on the basis of a supplementary statement of the complainant in an FIR.

The additional IG stated in a letter sent to the Lahore capital city police officer, all CPOs, regional and district police officers, and heads of other police establishments that the LHC had expressed disapproval and annoyance over the act of the SHO.

The court noted that it is unfortunate that the investigation officers would get people arrested on the basis of supplementary statements.

"Freedom is a basic fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution of Pakistan and no one can be allowed to rob it through dishonest and biased manners," the court had directed.

The additional IG said that the investigation officer should extract information from the complainant and vet it in the light of evidence.

The accused nominated through a supplementary statement should be included in the investigations only after concrete evidence has been found, he added.

The head of the investigations branch also emphasised the need for vetting and comments of the prosecutor to ensure that sufficient evidence was available to request physical remand of a suspect.

Meanwhile, a citizen was allegedly tortured and falsely implicated in a case by a sub-inspector of Harbanspura police.

A medico-legal report confirmed the torture and recommended legal action.

The victim Zulqarnain Arain lodged a complaint before the SSP of discipline and inquiry. According to the applicant, SI Rafaqat Dogar summoned him.

When he reached there, the official started beating him with a pipe. He also allegedly undressed the applicant, took over Rs10,000 from his wallet and forced him to bring more money from home. The victim then went for the medico-legal examination.


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