Uncertainty surrounds extension of HEC chairman’s term

Safdar Rizvi July 21, 2024


As the term of Dr Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman of the Higher Education Commission (HEC), nears its end with just one week remaining, uncertainty looms over the possibility of an extension.

Reports indicate that the federal Ministry of Education has submitted a summary to the Ministry of Law requesting an extension, but objections raised by the latter have cast doubt on Dr Ahmed's continuation for another two years.

Sources reveal that the Ministry of Law has proposed the formation of a search committee to identify a new chairman, or alternatively, assigning temporary charge to a current member of the HEC.

When approached for comment, the HEC chairman declined to respond, while Federal Secretary of Education Mohiuddin Wani confirmed the submission of the extension request but stated uncertainty regarding its approval. Wani mentioned receiving instructions to forward the summary to the Establishment Division, expressing belief in the possibility of an extension.

Following the Ministry of Law's objections, reports indicate a ripple effect within the HEC, with a flurry of transfers in its departments causing unease. Around 28 officers, including Senior Officer and Regional Director Javed Memon in Karachi, have been reassigned. Javed Memon has been moved to the Sports Division in Islamabad, while Nazir Hussain has returned to Karachi as Regional Director, a position he previously held.

Moreover, Advisor in the Academic Division Raza Chohan has been transferred to the HRD Division, Consultant Anwar Gilani relocated from the Policy Unit to QAA, and Director General Ayesha Ikram from HRD Division to HRA Division. Changes have also affected directors general in various divisions across different cities.

Sources indicate that while the Ministry of Education argued in favour of extending Dr Mukhtar Ahmed's term, citing differences in his previous terms, the Ministry of Law disagreed, suggesting adherence to the statutory provisions which may necessitate forming a search committee for a new appointment.


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