Two oil tankers catch fire off Singapore coast

Singapore's Maritime and Port Authority reported fires on the Hafnia Nile and Ceres I tankers early Friday morning.

Reuters July 19, 2024

Two large oil tankers were on fire in waters near Singapore, the authorities said on Friday, raising concerns about the environment as well as the impact on operations at the world's biggest refuelling port.

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) said it was alerted to a fire on Friday at 6:15 a.m. (2215 GMT) onboard both a Singapore-flagged tanker, Hafnia Nile, and a Sao Tome and Principe-flagged tanker, Ceres I.

A helicopter had evacuated two crew members to Singapore General Hospital, it said, without elaborating.

In a statement on social media, Singapore Navy said the frigate RSS Supreme had rescued the crews from the vessels and was providing medical assistance. It did not immediately give details.

The vessels were about 55 km (34 miles) northeast of the Singaporean island of Pedra Branca on the eastern approach to the Singapore Straits. Photographs released by the Navy showed thick black smoke billowing from one tanker.


The cause of the fires was not immediately clear.

The 74,000 deadweight-tons capacity Panamax tanker Hafnia Nile (IMO 9766217) was carrying about 300,000 barrels of naphtha, according to ship-tracking data from Kpler and LSEG.

It was not immediately clear what fuel Ceres I (IMO 9229439) was carrying. The tanker is a very-large-crude-carrier (VLCC) of 300,000 deadweight-tons capacity and was last marked as carrying Iranian crude between March to April, ship-tracking data showed.

Singapore is Asia's biggest oil trading hub and the world's largest bunkering port and surrounding waters are vital trade waterways between Asia and Europe and the Middle East.


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