Elusive, black-shanked langur captured on camera after three-day search in Vietnam

These Langurs are difficult to capture on camera due to their shy nature and treetop habitat

News Desk July 16, 2024

A Black-shanked Douc, one of the most beautiful and elusive langurs, was recently photographed in Vietnam after three days of intensive searching. These langurs are notoriously difficult to capture on camera due to their shy nature and treetop habitat. They spend the majority of their time high in the canopy, feeding on leaves, fruits, and flowers.

Encounters with Black-shanked Doucs in the wild have become increasingly rare. This is primarily due to significant habitat loss and hunting pressures. These primates are native to northeast Cambodia and southern Vietnam, where their habitats have been severely fragmented and reduced.

These langurs are easily distinguished by their striking appearance. Adult males have dark blue faces with cream-colored rings around their eyes, while females have similar but less pronounced features. The langurs have a lifespan of approximately 24 years in the wild, but they can live over 30 years in captivity​

The population of Black-shanked Doucs has suffered a decline of over 50% in recent decades.

The Black-shanked Douc langur has a specialized diet, primarily consuming young leaves, seeds, flowers, and unripe fruit. They have a sacculated stomach, which allows them to digest the large amount of cellulose in their diet. This specialized diet is another reason why the species is suffering due to human influence​.

Conservation efforts are critical for the survival of these langurs. The Wildlife Alliance has been actively involved in combating illegal wildlife trade and protecting the habitats of these endangered primates. Initiatives include rescuing live primates and reducing hunting pressures through education and enforcement​.


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