Fake visas

Editorial July 14, 2024


The FIA has arrested two members of a gang reportedly involved in a massive visa fraud scheme that deceived over 350 citizens. The suspects, apprehended during a raid in the federal capital, are part of a group orchestrating the fraudulent scheme that promised employment in Greece, swindling innocents out of more than Rs78 million. The gang provided fake employment visas and went into hiding after collecting substantial sums from their innocent victims. One would have called the incident disconcerting if it was the first of such occurrences, but sadly, such visa frauds, fraudulent employment schemes and agents are pretty common in Pakistan.

Last year, hundreds of Pakistanis drowned in the Mediterranean Sea when their overloaded boat capsised. They too were promised entry into continental Europe, and had left their families and loved ones behind in the hopes of finding better employment and lives. The economic situation of the country, rising unemployment and loss of hope have forced many to approach such ‘visa agents’ and risk their lives to find a better future. Most victims are young men who have failed to secure employment in Pakistan and are desperate to provide for their families.

The government and its agencies did spring into action after the boat tragedy of last year, but much more needs to be done to root out the practice of such dubious agents selling dreams of a better life. A concerted effort needs to be launched across the country to at least curtail such activities. However, such measures will only go so far, as the root cause is Pakistan’s tethering economy. Till the economic conditions are stabilised and there are ample employment opportunities within the country, such fraudsters will keep preying on desperate victims. The current economic model needs to be changed, but does the government have the will to do so?


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