San Francisco nudists save Brazilian tourist from 'crazy pirate'

Viral video shows two nudists intervening to stop an attack on a Brazilian tourist in San Francisco’s Castro district.

Pop Culture & Art July 12, 2024
-The San Francisco Standard

Two nudists became unexpected heroes in San Francisco’s Castro district when they intervened in an attack on a Brazilian tourist.

Pete Sferra and Lloyd Fishback were enjoying a stroll when they spotted a man, described by Sferra as a "crazy kind of pirate guy," threatening a tourist with a blowtorch.

According to the San Francisco Standard, the attacker, identified as 38-year-old Zero Triball, was about to harm the Brazilian tourist when the nudists sprang into action. “My buddy Lloyd is a quiet, respectful guy,” Sferra said. “But he didn’t waste any time and nailed the guy with a right hook.” Fishback followed up with another punch, which caused the attacker to walk away.

The incident, captured on a viral video, shows an onlooker grabbing the blowtorch just before the attack escalates. Petros Fanourgiakis, owner of Aegean Delights, witnessed the event and said, "The attacker threatened to burn the tourist’s face."

Triball, who has a history of causing trouble in the neighbourhood, was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He remains in county jail. Local business owners have expressed their relief and gratitude for the nudists' brave actions.

Sferra emphasised that Fishback is the real hero of the day and mentioned that the nudists aim to be seen as positive contributors to the community. “We just want to be seen as good contributing members of the community,” he said.


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