PTI offers no space for deserters

Core committee urges party founder to reverse decision on Ayub’s resignation

Our Correspondent July 02, 2024
PTI Party flag PHOTO:Express


The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) announced on Monday that all those who abandoned the party at difficult times would never be accepted in the party again, while stating in the same breath that the final decision would be taken by the party founder Imran Khan.

The PTI Core Committee strongly condemned all those who parted ways with the party at critical junctures. “Today they have no moral or any other authority to comment on the affairs of the party while sitting outside,” it said in a resolution passed in the meeting.

The resolution stated that as far as the PTI was concerned, those who abandoned the party, were irrelevant and their statements were inconsequential. “Such people will never be acceptable in the party again,” the resolution read.

The committee passed various resolutions regarding ensuring continuity of the party policies and bringing more discipline in the party’s ranks. It stated that the cases of those who showed remorse and regret, would be the sole prerogative of Imran to consider.

In addition, the committee acknowledged the services for the party by Secretary General Omar Ayub through extremely testing times and called upon him to withdraw his resignation because continuity of the party policies was vital at this crucial juncture. It also asked Imran not accept Ayub’s resignation.

The core committee affirmed that the party would enforce strict discipline among its ranks, warning that all cases of indiscipline would be dealt with promptly and strictly. It was resolved that the cases of all those who had been served disciplinary notices would be decided within 7 days.



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