Staff shortage cripples RDA

Civic agency falters in handling illegal constructions in Rawalpindi

Jamil Mirza July 02, 2024


The Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) is currently facing significant challenges due to the absence of officers in key positions, which has adversely affected the institution’s overall performance.

One of the most critical issues is the handling of illegal residential and commercial constructions, which often go unnoticed until they are completed and then regularised.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that crucial posts such as Director of Metropolitan Planning and Traffic Engineering, and Chief Town Planner are being managed by officers with additional charges rather than permanent appointees. Specifically, the roles of Director of Metropolitan Planning and Traffic Engineering and Chief Town Planner are currently held by the Director of Land Use and Building Control, Jamshed Aftab, on an additional charge basis.

This arrangement has been in place for over a year since the transfer of Tahir Mayo, with no new permanent appointments made.

Furthermore, several other key positions within the RDA remain vacant, adding to the administrative woes. These include two Deputy Directors, six Building Inspectors, one Superintendent, and two Admin Officers. Additionally, an Assistant Director of Building Control has been suspended due to the theft of a critical file, and the Anti-Corruption Department has filed a case against him. Despite the suspension and ongoing investigation, the stolen file has not been recovered.

The administrative governance issues within the RDA are evident, with the Director of Land Use and Building Control, Jamshed Aftab, taking on additional responsibilities without the necessary support. The decision to give him the additional charge of both Director of Metropolitan Planning and Traffic Engineering and Chief Town Planner was initially made by former Director General RDA, Saif Anwar Jappa, and has been maintained by the current Director General, Kinza Murtaza.

The suspension of Assistant Director Building Control, Ali Raza, for his involvement in the theft of a file related to a temporary construction permit, highlights the internal challenges the RDA faces. The case against him is ongoing, and the missing file remains a significant concern.

The RDA's performance is further hindered by the long-standing vacancies in other crucial positions. The absence of the Deputy Director of Building Control, Deputy Director of Urban Planning, Assistant Director of Building Control, six Building Inspectors, one Superintendent, and two Admin Officers has led to a significant gap in the institution's operational capacity. These vacancies have not been filled for an extended period, exacerbating the already strained administrative framework.

When contacted about these issues, RDA Spokesman and Deputy Director Hafiz Muhammad Irfan acknowledged the challenges and assured that decisions regarding the vacant positions would be made soon. He emphasised that Director General RDA, Kinza Murtaza, is actively working to address the vacancies and improve the institution's performance.



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