Youtuber MrBeast responds to criticism over charity videos

MrBeast addresses criticism over his charity videos, emphasizing that aims to help where governments fall short.

Pop Culture & Art July 01, 2024

Popular YouTuber MrBeast, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, has recently come under fire for his approach to charity work. The controversy arose after he posted a video where he built 100 houses for families in need, which amassed over 39 million views within 24 hours. Critics argued that he might be using these charitable acts to gain views and that such efforts could potentially harm local economies. One viewer commented, "Saw something where all the shoe makers and their employees went out of business after other countries started donating shoes and completely destroyed demand. He just put a few builders out of business."

MrBeast quickly addressed these concerns, clarifying on social media, “I paid those builders to build these homes lol.” He emphasized that his actions were not detrimental to local employment and that he directly funded the builders involved in the project.

Despite the backlash, many have praised MrBeast for his philanthropic efforts. In the video, he highlights personal stories from those he helped, including a mother in Jamaica who described how her old home’s leaky roof made it impossible for her children to sleep at night. The YouTuber's contributions have made significant differences in the lives of many, yet some viewers on Reddit expressed concerns about the structural integrity of the houses built. One commenter noted, "Most houses have been placed on shoddy pillars. No one feels like this could be dangerous? I’m thankful MrBeast is doing charity but pumping 100 houses as fast as possible makes me feel quality will feel subpar."

Addressing the broader criticism, MrBeast took to Twitter to explain his stance: “When we help people (curing 1000 blind people, building 100 houses, 100 wells, etc) people get mad and say I shouldn’t be doing this and governments should. Yes, ideally, a YouTuber isn’t the one fixing these issues, but I’m not just gonna stand by and do nothing.”

Over the past year, MrBeast has seen significant growth on YouTube, recently surpassing T-Series to become the most subscribed channel on the platform. His charity-focused content, while sometimes controversial, has undeniably brought attention to important issues and inspired many of his viewers to engage in philanthropy.


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