PTI throws weight behind businessmen

Directs leaders, workers to participate in nationwide trader protests today

Our Correspondent July 01, 2024
PTI Party flag PHOTO:Express


The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has announced its unwavering support for the business and trade community in their peaceful demonstration against high energy tariffs and heavy taxation.

The party has directed its leaders and workers to fully participate in the nationwide protests scheduled for Monday (today), emphasising the gravity of the situation and its commitment to economic justice.

PTI Central Spokesperson Raoof Hasan criticised the current government, referring to them as “mandate thieves,” for approving what he called the most severe and unjust budget in Pakistan’s history.

Hasan argued that the budget, crafted by a “rubber-stamp” parliament and an unrepresentative administration, amounts to a death warrant for the national economy.

He stated that all segments of society, including ordinary citizens, farmers, traders, and industrialists, would suffer significantly from this “anti-people” budget.

Hasan highlighted the detrimental effects of the budget, pointing out that unaffordable electricity bills, combined with a serious reduction in income and purchasing power, would exacerbate hunger and poverty across households.

He condemned the government’s attempt to impose heavy financial burdens on the populace through an unelected parliament.

Despite global economic challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic and inflation, Hasan highlighted that the PTI government had successfully protected the economic interests of all societal segments, achieving a 6% growth rate.

He characterised the protest of traders as an indictment against the current unelected and unrepresentative government. He urged the people of Pakistan, particularly PTI members and workers, to prepare for a nationwide peaceful protest aimed at ousting the government, which he accused of ruling under a veil of lawlessness and electoral theft.

Earlier, the All Pakistan Traders Association (APTA) announced a country-wide protest on the first day of the current financial year, July 1, against the prohibitively high electricity bills. APTA President Ajmal Baloch explained to the media that electricity bills had become unaffordable, with 200 units costing Rs3,000 and 201 units costing Rs8,000. He described the fixed tax, ranging from Rs200 to Rs1,000, as “unacceptable” in any form.

Baloch demanded the abolition of the sales tax, income tax, and financing cost (FC) surcharge on electricity bills, warning that the trader community would stage a nationwide protest if their demands were not met. His announcement reflects the growing discontent among businesses over increasing electricity prices and taxes, which they claim are making it difficult to sustain their operations.


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