Iran seeks more Pakistani students

APP July 01, 2024


A delegation comprising students of several Iranian universities visited the Punjab University on Sunday.

Heads of different universities, teachers and researchers were also part of the delegation led by Iran's University of Religions and Denominations Board of Trustees Chairman Dr Seyyed Abolhasan Navvab.

Dr Navvab said he was promoting relations with the universities of Pakistan and was also keen to promote relations with Pakistan at the cultural level. He said that the Iranian government was developing excellent relations with Pakistan and it would have been better if the relations with Pakistan had been stronger in the past. He said that Pakistanis were living all over the world.

The visiting delegates said thousands of foreign students were studying in Iran and "we wish to increase the number of Pakistani students in Iranian universities". They said centres had also been established at Iranian universities to promote academic dialogue between Iran and Pakistan.

PU Vice Chancellor Dr Khalid Mahmood said agreements have been made with Iranian universities to promote relations. He said he wanted to promote cooperation in the field of research with the universities of Iran.

The Iranian delegation visited various departments of Punjab University and showed interest in various fields of education and research.


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