PTI’s internal turmoil (Edit2)

Editorial June 30, 2024


Fissures within the PTI have been all too visible for quite some time now. The party has repeatedly been urged to reinforce solidarity ever since the crackdown on it following the May 9, 2023 mayhem. Considering its current trials and tribulations, the resignation — and its subsequent acceptance by party founder Imran Khan — of party’s opposition leader in the National Assembly, Omar Ayub, from various party positions has only added fuel to the fire. Hours after the news broke, PTI’s independent-minded leader Sher Afzal Marwat demanded senior party leader Shibli Faraz also step down. Only weeks ago, the party took a no-nonsense stance by issuing a show cause notice to Marwat for publicly speaking against party policies and leaders.

The cracks, however, appear too deep to be fixed by a notice or two. The PTI needs serious discipline not just within its ranks but also among its followers and supporters. Ayub’s resignation is rumoured to have been triggered by the constant badgering by both party leaders and followers over the inability of the party’s central leadership to secure the release of its jailed chief, ex-PM Imran Khan. If this is true, it is disappointing, to say the least, that a party that enjoys such massive support across the country has members and followers who lack the political maturity to withstand the pressures of the state.

Throughout Pakistan’s history, all mainstream parties have more or less had to overcome undemocratic overtures. Their survival tied to their unity. The PTI’s leadership must also address its internal conflicts and establish a clear and unified vision to surmount its mammoth challenges. The lack of coherent strategy and visible discord among members can significantly undermine the party’s effectiveness and public image. As the PTI navigates these turbulent times, it must focus on strengthening its organisation structure, fostering unity, and promoting political education among its followers.


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