Jeff Goldblum fights for climate change

Jeff Goldblum shares his love for the ocean and emphasises the urgent need to address threats like plastic pollution.

Pop Culture & Art June 08, 2024
Photo: Wire Images

Jeff Goldblum, renowned actor and longtime supporter of the non-profit Oceana, recently sat down with PEOPLE ahead of the United Nations’ World Oceans Day to share his deep connection to the ocean and his concern for its future.

Recalling his childhood experience at the Atlantic Ocean, Goldblum described the awe he felt when his mother took him into the waves for the first time. Since then, his love for the ocean has only deepened, prompting his involvement in ocean conservation efforts.

"The oceans are home to most of the life on our planet," Goldblum emphasises. "They play a crucial role in regulating the climate and provide livelihoods for countless people. Sadly, the oceans are in trouble and face threats like climate change, overfishing, plastic pollution, and the killing of threatened species."

Goldblum highlights the work of Oceana, an organisation dedicated to protecting and restoring the oceans, and praises their numerous victories in fighting for ocean health. He expresses his enthusiasm for supporting their efforts and raising awareness about the urgent issues facing our oceans.

In 2020, Goldblum joined forces with Oceana to urge California lawmakers to pass statewide plastics legislation. Their efforts proved successful, leading to the passage of the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act (SB 54) in 2022. This landmark legislation requires manufacturers to significantly reduce single-use plastic waste and ensure packaging is recyclable or compostable.

Despite these strides, the battle against plastic pollution is far from over. An estimated 33 billion pounds of plastic enter the ocean every year, the equivalent of two bin lorries of plastic dumped into the ocean every minute.

Goldblum encourages everyone to take action by getting involved with organisations like Oceana, contacting elected officials, making sustainable choices, and simply enjoying the ocean's wonders.
"You only have to imagine that it's this supremely alive place," Goldblum says, reflecting on a recent swim in the ocean. "It really gets in your molecules somehow, and it's just fantastic."


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