Insider reveals the identity of the PR masterminds guiding Harry and Meghan

The Sussexes' new PR team is going all out to revamp the couple's image, according to royal insider.

Pop Culture & Art June 04, 2024

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's recent three-day visit to Nigeria has been linked to a strategic PR effort, according to a royal insider.

Historian and author Gareth Russell has suggested that the Sussexes hired two experienced PR executives, Charlie Gipson and Kyle Boulia, to support their visit.

Russell noted in an interview with GB News that the timing of the hires may be significant, stating, "I don't think it's a coincidence that it comes so soon after their well-publicised hiring of two excellent PR executives.”

Newsweek has reported that Gipson and Boulia have joined the Sussexes' team, with Gipson previously serving as an associate client director at Edelman and Boulia as a corporate communications manager at United Talent Agency. The two executives report to Ashley Hansen, the Sussexes' global press secretary.

However, reactions to the visit have been mixed, with some praising the couple's efforts and others expressing criticism. 

The long-term effectiveness of the Sussexes' PR strategy remains to be seen.


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