Dennis Quaid says he is supporting Donald Trump in the upcoming elections

"As president, the only thing I liked about Trump was everything he did," Quaid remarked.

Pop Culture & Art May 29, 2024
Courtesy: AFP

Dennis Quaid, known for his role in the upcoming biopic "Reagan," has officially voiced his support for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election. 

During a recent appearance on "Piers Morgan Uncensored," Quaid shared his views on Trump’s presidency and the current political climate.

Despite having reservations in the past, Quaid expressed his endorsement for Trump, highlighting his admiration for Trump's presidential actions. 

"As president, the only thing I liked about Trump was everything he did," Quaid remarked, recalling his previous approval of Trump's handling of the pandemic in an April 2020 interview with the Daily Beast. 

He had praised Trump's approach, stating, "Well, to tell you the truth, I think the president is handling it in a good way."

The actor also touched on his political flexibility, noting, "I've voted both ways throughout my life, swinging like a pendulum toward what the country needed at the time." However, his current support stems from concerns over the justice system. 

"It just makes sense. I was ready not to vote for Trump until what I saw as — more than politics — I see a weaponization of our justice system and a challenge to our constitution," Quaid explained.

During the interview, Quaid, who often plays characters that embody the American spirit, also discussed his role as Ronald Reagan. 

He shared his initial hesitation about portraying such an influential figure, saying, "I didn't say no, but I didn't... it took a long time to take the role because I was overwhelmed by it." He added that portraying Reagan pushed him out of his comfort zone, a challenge he ultimately embraced.

Quaid's portrayal of Reagan aims to present a balanced view, capturing both the strengths and flaws of the former president. 

"The filmmakers ended up telling the story 'warts and all, in a certain sense,'" Quaid noted, expressing his deep respect for Reagan, whom he described as his favorite president.


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