Unabated rise of unlawful structures ravages city

Work resumed on 50 unauthorised structures demolished earlier

Naeem Khanzada February 19, 2024
Residents of Makkah Terrace stand outside the building in distress face to face with SBCA offiicials who had come to demolish the building on court orders. PHOTO: Express


In the labyrinth of Karachi's bustling streets, the specter of illegal constructions looms large, defying the recent crackdowns and raising concerns about the city's architectural integrity. Despite the fervent efforts to dismantle illicit edifices, a resurgence in unauthorized building projects, purportedly aided by complicit officers within the Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA), paints a disheartening picture.

Scores of clandestine constructions have once again taken root, reminiscent of a tenacious weed pushing through cracks in the pavement. From clandestine penthouses to unauthorized extensions and unpermitted storefronts, these structures defy legal formalities, flouting surveys and land usage regulations with brazen audacity.

The enigmatic silence of the SBCA's Director-General shrouds the issue in mystery, leaving questions unanswered and concerns unaddressed. Despite inquiries from The Express Tribune, a void of accountability persists, amplifying suspicions of collusion with the nefarious elements driving this illegal construction spree.

ReadSHC seeks compliance report from SBCA on its earlier order

Insiders whisper of deep-rooted connections between the illegal construction syndicate and the provincial establishment, hinting at a web of influence that shields perpetrators from justice. Despite the demolition of over fifty illicit buildings in the central district over the past half-year, the phoenix of illegal construction rises once more, threatening to further erode the city's already strained infrastructure.

The unauthorised construction extends its reach far beyond the central district, encroaching upon neighborhoods like Federal B Area, North Nazimabad, North Karachi, and New Karachi.

Attempts to reach SBCA DG Ishaq Khoro yielded no response, underscoring the veil of silence shrouding the SBCA's corridors. Sources suggest a resurgence of the old guard within the authority, a cabal of influential figures allegedly orchestrating illegal constructions under the guise of authority.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 19th 2024.


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