Rs900m allocated for CCTV cams installation

Each sensitive polling station across Punjab to have four cameras

Our Correspondent January 30, 2024


The Punjab government has approved the installation of over 23,000 CCTV cameras at sensitive polling stations across the province.

The surveillance plan with a budget exceeding Rs900 million aims to enhance monitoring capabilities and ensure transparency during the coming general elections processes.

As per the security plan, each polling station will have one camera at the rear, one at the entrance, and two inside, strategically positioned to monitor key areas.

Police officials say the cameras will play a dual role, not only monitoring the law and order situation but also acting as a deterrent against potential rigging and irregularities.

Initially, there was contemplation of renting the cameras; however, the decision was made to purchase them.

The cameras will be integrated into the Punjab Safe City Authority control rooms, with special control rooms established where Safe City infrastructure is absent.

In a meeting chaired by Inspector General Police Dr Usman Anwar, and attended by officials, including Punjab Safe Cities Authority MD Ahsan Younas, COO Captain Retired Mustansar Feroze, SSP Operation Commander Riffat Bukhari, and CAO Rana Shoaib Mehmood, arrangements for the installation of Safe City cameras in 21 cities, including Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, and Gujranwala, were examined.

Dr Anwar provided oversight into the plan for installing CCTV cameras at sensitive polling stations across Punjab during the meeting.

ReadECP to install CCTV at highly sensitive polling stations

Emphasising the significance of relying on local resources, he highlighted the use of sustainable, standardised, and cost-effective CCTV camera systems to break free from the monopoly and delays associated with foreign companies.

The IG underscored the need for a swift conversion of cities to the Safe City Authority monitoring system, calling for the support of Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB).

The decision was made following deliberations on outsourcing the project, with the estimated cost initially exceeding Rs1 billion.

Following briefings by Safe City and PITB officials, advocating for the purchase and in-house installation of equipment, the government reviewed its approach.

Assured by department experts of their capacity to handle the task, the government opted to procure the CCTV cameras and associated tools.

The installation of cameras and the establishment of control rooms will be a collaborative effort between Punjab Police, district governments, Safe City, and Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), for ensuring election security and transparency across the province.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 30th, 2024.


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