‘Meaningful activities good for kids during winter break’

'Incorporating structured learning opportunities in their break time', says an educationist

APP December 24, 2023


The onset of winters brings happiness for children in the form of winter holidays. However, it’s important to note that winter breaks can be utilised well for children’s better wellbeing and growth.

An educationist, Dr Ayesha, emphasised upon the importance of purposeful activities to keep children intellectually stimulated during the winter breaks.

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“Winter breaks are not just about leisure. They are actually valuable periods during which children’s cognitive abilities and creativity can be enhanced,” Dr Ayesha told a private news channel. She urged parents to consider activities that foster both academic and personal development in children.

She suggested incorporating structured learning opportunities in their break time, including reading challenges where they can explore diverse genres and even take on writing projects to express their thoughts.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 24th,  2023.


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