Winter tourism booms in Swat

Scenic valleys transform into a white wonderland, offering multiple opportunities for adventure  

APP December 18, 2023
The SWAT project worth $310 million, launched in January this year and will last for six years, is aimed at modernising irrigation practices, transition to smart subsidies and enhancing agricultural water productivity. photo: file


Winter tourism in Swat reaches its peak with hundreds of tourists rushing to enjoy snowfall and skiing in Malam Jabba and Kalam Valley.

In winter, the scenic valleys transform into white wonderland, offering tourists multiple opportunities for adventure. Swat, Malam Jabba, Gabin Jabba, Miandam, Matiltan, Kalam, Utror, Gabral, Matiltan, Mahodand, and Loye Sar are some of the mountain resorts where tourists opt to spend their winter vacations, said a local in Swat.

A tourist who arrived with his family said, “Today, my dream came true as I witnessed my first snowfall in Swat. The snow-clad valleys and majestic mountain peaks charm the incoming visitors, he added.

Read  Absence of snow likely to affect tourists’ influx

Another local of Swat Valley advised tourists to wear proper snow shoes and jackets if they plan on visiting the valley during the winter season.

A tourist from Punjab said, “We had heard about the enchanting beauty of Malam Jabba from our friends and we found it to be very different from other snow resorts.

A female tourist shared that Swat was her favourite winter destination due to its diverse features, easy accessibility, pollution-free cool weather, and availability of trout fish amid snowfall. A foreign tourist remarked, “It is freezing here at Kalam, but I still cannot keep myself away from the falling snow.”


Published in The Express Tribune, December 18th, 2023.


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