Chaman border now ‘requires’ a valid visa

Tribal jirga opposes new travel restrictions

Our Correspondent October 27, 2023


Corps Commander Balochistan, Asif Ghafoor, declared that, in the future, only individuals with valid visas will be permitted to cross the Chaman border, marking a significant change from past practice when CNICs were accepted for border movement.

Ghafoor’s visit to Chaman, accompanied by the IGP police, IG FC, DG FIA, and DG NADRA, was centered around participating in a tribal Jirga.

He emphasized the need for stricter border regulations and made a comparison, stating that even for a holy pilgrimage like visiting the ‘Khana Kaa’ba,’ a passport is required, highlighting the importance of adhering to international travel norms.

The Jirga brought together representatives of political parties, tribal elders, members of the Chamber of Commerce, and local officials, including Deputy Commissioner Chaman, Capt. (Retd) Raja Athar Abbas, DPO Mohammad Naeem Achakzai, Chairman Amanullah Achakzai, Deputy Chairman Majeed Khan Achakzai, Deputy Mayor Mateeullah Achakkzai, and daily wage laborers.

During the gathering, participants voiced their concerns about the passport requirement, pointing out that the livelihoods of local residents are intricately linked with border trade.

The new travel restrictions, they argued, would jeopardize the income of thousands of individuals. Furthermore, they highlighted the presence of tribes on both sides of the border, with landownership in both countries.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 27th, 2023.


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