Embrace 'World Food Day' with PepsiCo and FAO to promote sustainable farming and water conservation

Food security, sustainable agriculture, and poverty alleviation were among the primary goals of the event

PepsiCo Pakistan
Press Release


In commemoration of World Food Day 2023, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), in collaboration with PepsiCo Pakistan, a prominent global food and beverage corporation, organised a high-level event at the University of Agriculture in Peshawar.

The event's central focus was the Living Indus Initiative, which underscored the theme of World Food Day, "Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind."

The primary aim of the event was to enhance awareness about food security, sustainable agriculture, and the global fight against hunger and poverty.

Esteemed representatives from the World Food Programme (WFP), UN Women, PepsiCo, and the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) along with academics were in attendance.

This theme also seamlessly aligns with the objectives of the Living Indus Initiative, a collaborative endeavour between the Government of Pakistan and UN agencies, dedicated to the restoration and ecological revitalization of the Indus River Basin, particularly considering urgent climate challenges to food production and agricultural work.

Mr Farrukh Toirov, FAO's Head of Office in KP, underscored the strong connection between the Indus River and the agricultural potential of the region.

He stressed the critical role of water in agriculture and food security, emphasising the importance of responsible and efficient water management to support sustainable agriculture through initiatives like the 'Living Indus'. He stressed that this approach helps fortify resilience in the face of climate challenges and ensures access to a balanced and nutritious food supply for all.

Haseeb Malik, Director of Agricultural Operations at PepsiCo Pakistan, elaborated on the company's contributions during his address to the gathering. He concentrated on the restoration of the Indus Basin, the promotion of sustainable agriculture, and the support provided to farming communities, particularly women.

Mr Malik highlighted PepsiCo Pakistan's unwavering commitment to sustainable water management, equipping farmers with the necessary knowledge and technology for responsible water usage.

He also emphasised their dedication to water conservation within the company's operations and the communities it serves. He additionally noted that the scope of the Living Indus Initiative aligns harmoniously with PepsiCo's global pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) sustainability agenda and the company’s aspirations to create a more resilient agricultural system that benefits both people and the planet.

Dr Rizwan Ahmed, Registrar at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, expertly moderated the thought-leadership panel discussion that followed. Distinguished panellists included Dr Abdul Bari, the Director General of Agriculture Research for the Government of KP, Dr Jan Mohammad, the Director General of Agriculture Extension, Zainab Qaiser Khan, the Head of UN Women Sub Office in KP, and Louis Sowe, Head of WFP in KP.

These experts and thought leaders highlighted critical issues that affect Pakistan’s agricultural future, particularly in KP.

Panellists delved into topics such as ensuring equitable water access for small-scale farmers, the promotion of sustainable farming practices led by women to ensure food security, strategies for combating climate change to enhance agricultural resilience, and the empowerment of women and youth for inclusive agriculture.

By bringing together diverse perspectives and innovative ideas, this panel discussion aimed to chart a path towards a more resilient and inclusive agricultural landscape in Pakistan.


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