Terror support: US arrests Pakistani man

Jubair Ahmad has been charged with supporting terror group, glorifying violent jihad and lying about his involvement.

Afp September 03, 2011
Terror support: US arrests Pakistani man


A Pakistani man who allegedly received training from Islamist militants before moving to Washington has been arrested and charged with providing support to a terror group, US officials said on Friday.

Jubair Ahmad, 24, stands accused of providing material support to the powerful Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, designated by the US government as a foreign terrorist organisation, and then lying about his involvement to investigators.

According to an unsealed affidavit by a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent, Ahmad produced and posted a propaganda video for LeT “glorifying violent jihad” in 2010, some three years after he arrived in the United States with his parents and two younger brothers.

“Terrorist organisations such as LeT...use the internet and other media as part of well orchestrated propaganda campaigns,” the agent stated in the affidavit released by the US Justice Department.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 3rd, 2011.


Ranjit | 12 years ago | Reply

Thank You Uncle Sam. I don't care if terrorist is named Jubair or Zubair or Chubair or Kuber, if he is supporting international terrorism then he should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law which Pakistan or Bangladesh or India are not always good at doing. Having laws are one thing and following law to the letter is another. And that, my friends, is difference between First World and Third World.

syed baqar ahsan | 12 years ago | Reply

We are the easy catch before and after the crime for USA the world over for decades when we were moulded to have friendship with American against strategic all ground realities. American have used us always being never a difficult friends.

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