Citizens rush to Khanpur Dam to enjoy water sports

Young people in groups dance to national songs to celebrate independence

Yawar Hayat August 16, 2023
After a suspension due to security reasons, the popular parasailing activity at Khanpur Dam has resumed. Photos: Express/FILE


Khanpur Dam, a renowned tourist destination in Khanpur, drew a large influx of visitors who came with their families and friends to celebrate Independence Day.

Young people in groups danced to national songs, while numerous crowds gathered at Khanpur Dam to not only relish a variety of cuisines but also to engage in activities like boating and jet-skiing.

Meanwhile, children enjoyed swings, horse and camel rides.

In addition, SHO Nawab Khan and his police team remained present onsite to ensure the security of tourists visiting Khanpur Dam.

Owing to the substantial influx of tourist vehicles, traffic department officials were also present to manage the flow of traffic.

Tourist arrivals at Khanpur Dam persisted into the night while the jetty remained operational throughout this time.

Ownership rights over Khanpur Dam and the jetty are shared equally among their respective owners.

No proprietor of a jetty area can enforce any visitor to exclusively use their jetty.

Furthermore, there is a plea to the administration to ensure equitable rights for all owners.

Raja Babar Riaz, also known as Raja Bobi, expressed the collective gratitude of Jati residents towards SHO Siddique Shah from Khanpur police station, acknowledging his role in facilitating their agreement.

He said the community is thankful to the SHO for taking steps such as prohibiting the placement of signs on jetties and advocating for strict penalties against those who violate this rule.


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