CM team to investigate Chaman jailbreak

Approves a summary from the Balochistan Home and Tribal Affairs Department

Our Correspondent July 12, 2023
CM team to investigate Chaman jailbreak


Balochistan Chief Minister, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo, has taken action in response to the Chaman jailbreak incident by ordering a thorough investigation to determine accountability.

On July 3, during Eid day, 17 high-profile prisoners managed to overpower their guards and escape, sparking public outcry. Tragically, one prisoner lost his life during the escape attempt as the guards retaliated.

To uncover the truth behind this security breach, the Chief Minister Inspection Team (CMIT) has been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting a comprehensive inquiry.

The CM has approved a summary from the Balochistan Home and Tribal Affairs Department, ensuring that an unbiased investigation takes place.

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, revealed that the CMIT will scrutinize the incident and provide a detailed report to the chief minister.

The Inspector General of Prisons Balochistan, Shuja Kasi, has also initiated a departmental inquiry into the jailbreak. A committee of senior officers has been formed to investigate the escape of inmates from Chaman jail, which is located near the Pak-Afghan border.

While no specific timeline for the completion of the inquiry committee’s report has been disclosed, the CM’s office remains committed to a swift and transparent resolution of this matter.


Published in The Express Tribune, July 12th, 2023.


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