Garbage poses hazard on Lyari Expressway

Encroachments, including junk yards and factories, hinder swift flow of traffic

Kashif Hussain June 07, 2023
photo: express


Accumulated garbage poses serious hazard on Lyari Expressway, potentially leading to accidents. The presence of encroachments along the track, including numerous junkyards and factories, contribute to the problem. Additionally, the adjacent residential areas are also responsible for the spread of garbage on the track.

A recent survey, conducted by The Express Tribune, revealed that the residents are throwing garbage along the side of the track. Moreover, residents on upper floors of many houses are directly discarding trash onto the track, which scatters further upon the impact from passing vehicles, posing an imminent accident risk.

Although garbage bins are installed along the tracks, the collected waste is often set on fire, creating smoke that reduces visibility, which is another risk of accidents.

Furthermore, cattle pens located near the tracks in areas such as Shershah, Lyari, Old Golimar, Liaquatabad, and Gharibabad contribute to the problem by disposing of waste onto the side of the track, causing pollution.

Waste from factories in the vicinity of Lyari Expressway is also being dumped along the banks of the Lyari River and onto the track, further exacerbating the spread of garbage throughout the Expressway.

The presence of flying debris from the garbage is a common sight, with particles frequently adhering to vehicle windshields and obstructing visibility.

Inspector Syed Umar bin Tafazal, the Administrative Officer of Lyari Expressway, has urged the residents and factories near the Expressway to fulfill their social responsibility by refraining from throwing garbage onto the track. Failure to comply will result in appropriate action against offenders.

Furthermore, authorities have requested assistance from the Solid Waste Management department to ensure regular cleaning of the garbage. The Solid Waste Management has assured the deployment of vehicles on a weekly basis to remove the accumulated waste. Additionally, the National Highway Authority (NHA) conducts periodic cleaning operations to address the issue.


Published in The Express Tribune, June 7th, 2023.


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