Engaging male allies for women empowerment — it’s time!

Men may not understand the importance of male allyship, which makes it challenging to create meaningful change

Fiza Farhan May 10, 2023
Thw writer is Panel Member, UNHLP on Women’s Economic Empowerment. She tweets @Fiza_Farhan


Gender inequality is a persistent issue that has plagued societies for centuries. Women have been systematically excluded from opportunities and denied basic rights, leading to their marginalisation in various spheres of life. To combat this issue, it is essential to create a more equitable and just world where everyone, regardless of their gender, has an equal opportunity to succeed. One way to achieve this goal is through male allyship which refers to men who actively support and promote the rights and interests of women.

In the pursuit of a fairer and more just world, the role of male allyship is critical. Men can play an important role in challenging and changing harmful attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that perpetuate gender-based discrimination and violence by joining women in taking action. However, many organisations face barriers when it comes to involving men as allies.

One of the primary reasons for this is a lack of awareness of the extent of gender-based discrimination and inequality that women face in society. Men may not understand the importance of male allyship, which makes it challenging to create meaningful change. Additionally, male allyship may not be a priority for senior leaders in many organisations, which also makes it difficult to promote male allyship culture.

In some cases, the lack of male allyship stems from stereotypes and biases within our community that prevent men from seeing the value of female perspectives and experiences. Surprisingly, research has indicated that some men may be hesitant to speak out in support of women’s rights and interests for fear of backlash from their peers or colleagues. To address this, steps should be taken by organisations and communities to create safe spaces for men to speak out and encourage open and respectful dialogue about gender-related issues. Additionally, promoting diversity and inclusivity within workplace culture can help overcome internal or external biases.

Men can be effective allies by actively working towards dismantling patriarchy, misogyny and gender-based discrimination. There are important actions that men should take on an individual and collective level. Firstly, men should listen to women and understand their experiences. When witnessing something sexist, men should speak up and challenge the behaviour. They can also use their privilege to amplify and empower the voices of women.

On a more active front, men should take action by supporting organisations and initiatives that promote gender equality. They can participate in protests, rallies and other actions that aim to address gender-based discrimination. Above all, men should hold themselves accountable for their actions and behaviours. They should reflect on their own biases and work towards eliminating them. They should also be open to feedback and willing to learn from their mistakes.

It is upon making these simple decisions that we collectively can work towards an equal society. Men can play a critical role in promoting gender equality and fostering a culture of male allyship. By taking these steps, we can challenge the harmful attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate gender-based discrimination and violence. This is not only essential for creating a fairer and more just society, but it is also necessary for achieving sustainable development and promoting human rights.

In conclusion, male allyship is crucial for creating a more equitable and just world. It is important to raise awareness and promote a culture of male allyship to overcome the barriers that hinder male participation as allies. By dismantling patriarchy, misogyny and gender-based discrimination, men can actively support the rights and interests of women. This can be achieved by listening to women, challenging sexist behaviour, and using male privilege to amplify women’s voices. Taking action, holding themselves accountable and being open to feedback are also important steps that men can take to promote gender equality. By working together, we can create a world where all genders are treated equally and equitably.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 10th, 2023.

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