Govt to hold investment conference in Scotland

Shehbaz, Scottish first minister agree to strengthen bilateral ties in diverse areas

May 08, 2023
Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf calls on Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in London. PHOTO: EXPRESS


Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Sunday that an investment conference would be convened to enhance cooperation between Pakistan and Scotland in diverse fields, including trade, investment, education, water management, wind, and solar technology.

Talking to the media after a meeting with Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf in London, Shehbaz said that he held productive talks with a “young and energetic” first minister.

“We have agreed to enhance cooperation between Pakistan and Scotland,” he said. He added that around 80,000-strong Pakistani diaspora was significantly contributing to the development and progress of Scotland.

To a question that the UK’s National Crime Agency cleared his name in a money laundering case, Shehbaz said that NCA investigated this matter for two years, and with the blessing of Almighty Allah, he emerged innocent.

“[Former prime minister] Imran Khan used all tactics and wasted state money as well as precious time to defame me,” he said. “The NCA found nothing against me and now the British investigation agency has given me a clean chit in this matter,” he added.

Shehbaz said that Imran Khan was a fraud, who had the habit of harming his own benefactors. He termed the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman a “liar and a hypocrite from head to toe”, who showed “ingratitude” to even his own benefactors.

Earlier, Shehbaz met Humza Yousaf, who called on him in London. Shehbaz felicitated the first minister on his election, which, he said, underscored the positive contribution of the British-Pakistani community to the development of the UK.

Read PM Shehbaz condemns PTI criticism of FM Bilawal's India visit

During the meeting, both sides held talks on strengthening the bilateral relations. They agreed to strengthen the bilateral ties in the domains of trade, investment, education, water management, wind and solar technology and the people-to-people contacts.

The two sides also agreed to promote joint ventures in various fields, as they explored ways to leverage the Scottish-Pakistani entrepreneurs, to promote investment in Pakistan. They also agreed to cooperate in addressing the challenge of climate change.

The prime minister suggested the holding of an investment conference in Scotland and separately arranging a road show to showcase Pakistan’s renewable energy potential in Scotland.

The prime minister thanked the Scottish government for its generous contribution to floods relief last year. Shehbaz invited Yousaf to visit Pakistan, which he accepted. Yousaf is the first British national of Pakistani heritage to hold this coveted position.

Separately, in a tweet, Shehbaz said the 5th Trilateral Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue held in Islamabad on Saturday underscored the unwavering consensus of Pakistan and China to work for a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan in the interest of Afghan people.

“Unlocking economic potential of the region remains contingent on restoration of regional peace and stability. Investing in peace & stability through a collective & sustained focus will ensure win-win outcomes, including the success of initiatives aimed at greater regional connectivity & socio-economic progress,” he wrote.



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