I feel I'd be running away: Haroon Shahid pens why he chooses to stay in Pakistan

The star's statement was also applauded by veteran actor, Shaan Shahid

Entertainment Desk April 27, 2023

Pakistani musician and actor Haroon Shahid has shared his thoughts on moving out of Pakistan. At a time when the nation is engulfed in clouds of gloom due to prevailing sociopolitical and economic conditions, the idea of leaving is one that has become a frequent point of conversation. However, there is a layer of privilege attached to being able to up and leave to start a new life elsewhere, which can't be ignored.

Shahid, thus, took to Twitter to share a small incident that prompted him to address the idea of leaving his nation behind. He talks about his family moving abroad, and whether or not he plans to follow in their footsteps. 

"Both my brothers," began Shahid, "one of whom is my twin, have been urging/pleading me to shift to Australia for the past decade or so. They're both nationals and happy there but I've chosen to stay back. Dil nahi maanta (my heart does not agree). I feel I'd be running away and that I've never done!"

He further went on, "There are many others like me who have chosen to stay back," he continued. "Why have you done so? Give me one main reason why you haven't left." 

The tweet was met with varying responses. However, people did point out that for Shahid, the decision was a choice, as opposed to an obligation. The choice comes with privilege, and privilege itself shines its benevolent light on a select few. 

"Look, buddy," penned one Twitter user as a response. "You're fortunate enough to live a comfortable life in Pakistan. There's no need to boast about it. And you have no right to imply that people who left Pakistan somehow ran away. In fact, they took big risks to provide a better environment for their families."

"Look (not my buddy)," replied the actor. "You're the one who assumed that I implied that those who left 'ran'. In that case, I'd basically be saying that about my own family. Yes, I live a comfortable life but doesn't mean seeing others struggle makes you feel better. Har cheez pay criticism zaroori hai (is criticising everything necessary?)

Another user pointed out, "When you use the word ‘ran’ or that you stayed back for your country makes us, who went for a better life feel that we’ve been wrong by ‘leaving’ and ‘running’. Those who can live comfortably in Pakistan choose to do so. Those who can’t, there’s no harm in running."

To this, the Verna actor commented, "Feel whatever you want to think. This wasn't about pointing fingers or suggesting my siblings fled. So please carry on thinking I told you ran away."

However, there were those who did answer the Verna star's query earnestly. "Because Pakistan needs us." stated one user. "And if all leave who will stay behind? Imran Khan had a thousand reasons and resources to live abroad. But he didn't. So I guess that sums it up. Kuch ko peeche rehna hee hoga (some will have to stay behind.)

One user remarked, "I lived in Australia for six years during my education. Great place, no doubt. But, no place like home (Pakistan). We have to make Pakistan a livable place for us and our kids rather than going abroad to find a home in the Western world where we don't really belong."

The multihyphenate star's statement was also applauded by veteran actor, Shaan Shahid. "Well done Haroon. Welcome to the club," penned the superstar.

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