Solidarity with victims does not entitle us to punish the accused: Ushna feels sorry for Feroze Khan

The actor, giving the example of Aamir Liaquat, said she’ll always stand against bullying, trolling

Entertainment Desk April 06, 2023

Actor Ushna Shah, who once showed solidarity with Feroze Khan’s former wife Syeda Aliza Sultan, has now extended her support to her Habs co-star. Referencing religious messages of forgiveness, she used the example of the late televangelist Aamir Liaquat and asked fans to forgive Feroze before it’s too late, in which case, they may have “blood on their hands.”

Ushna also exclaimed that she will not participate in or encourage any online bullying against the actor for the damage is irreparable, suggesting that she has “experienced it firsthand”.

On Thursday night, Ushna posted a picture with Feroze from the gym on her Instagram Story to quote a translation of a hadith, announcing to forgive the actor. “The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: ‘It (Ramazan) is the month, whose beginning is mercy, its middle forgiveness and its end, emancipation from the fire (of hell).’ This is called ‘rehmat’ meaning mercy of Allah.”

In another Story, she shared a picture of Aamir to remind people of the consequence of hatred and trolling. “Lest we forget. Those who took it upon themselves to punish, troll and bully have blood on their hands. Those of us who knew him and did not forgive him, when he was in pain, have blood on our hands,” she wrote, adding that while we cannot do anything about a lost life, we can at least learn and not make the same mistakes again.

"It is a guilt that can not be erased but can surely be learnt from. Ostracising and bullying cause irreparable damage. To condemn it is one thing, but to judge and execute in the court of the mob is another wrong that does not make a right,” she lamented.

Shah, who was trolled for wearing a certain shade of red at her wedding, shared that she is standing up for Feroze because she simply cannot support bullying. “I will always advocate against bullying, ostracising and leading people into a state of irreparable despair. I know firsthand how dangerous being trolled can be for a person’s state of mind; it is a punishment far too harsh for most alleged crimes,” she wrote.

The Bashar Momin actor, while accepting that she has forgiven and reconciled with Feroze, further acknowledged that it is not up to her or an “online mob” to forgive Feroze on his wife’s behalf. “It is not for myself or for the online mob to ‘forgive’ for nothing was done to us. I simply won’t be a part of mob justice, for I have seen it end a life, that too, not long ago, and that trauma will always stay with me,” she added.

However, the actor continued that given how many women have been mistreated and not served justice in history, it is our moral duty to stand with them until they get justice but that does not mean that we have the right to punish the accused ourselves. “We are in an age where it is our duty to stand in solidarity with fellow women, that might make men guilty until proven innocent, and that might seem unfair but that’s the price they now pay for what we have endured since the dawn of mankind. This solidarity does not entitle us to punish until there is nothing left to do but mourn the accused.”

To conclude, Ushna alleged that she was “dragged” into commenting on Feroze and Aliza’s case. “I have been dragged into this narrative since day one, this is my stance: I will not enable, nor will I ostracise and bully.”

Last year, when Aliza submitted evidence in the court of having suffered alleged physical abuse at the hands of her ex-husband, Feroze, many celebrities, including Ushna spoke up against domestic violence on social media. Ushna had expressed her "shock" at the news and tweeted, "I am still processing this and in a state of shock. Nothing can justify violence against women. My heart is with Aliza as well as Sultan and Fatima.”

Ushna isn’t the first one to have a change of heart for Feroze. Recently, actor Muneeb Butt, who had also served a legal notice to Feroze for leaking the private information of his wife and sister-in-law, dropped all charges against the Gul-e-Rana actor. Muneeb accepted that the privacy leak was a “mistake” and assured that Feroze never intended to cause any pain or mental distress to his colleagues. The Sar-e-Rah actor further added that the courts are still deciding on Feroze and Aliza's case and that people should wait for the verdict.

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