Libya rebels take border post, hunt on for Qaddafi

Libyan rebels captured the Ras Jdir border post on the frontier with Tunisia.

Afp August 27, 2011
Libya rebels take border post, hunt on for Qaddafi

TRIPOLI: Libyan rebels captured the Ras Jdir border post on the frontier with Tunisia, which it was feared Moamer Qaddafi might use to escape, as the hunt for the fugitive strongman continued on Saturday.

While fighting was still under way on various fronts, with the insurgents working to consolidate their hold on Tripoli, focus increasingly turned to a post-Qaddafi era, with calls for reconciliation and a peaceful transition.

The rebels claimed late on Friday a new military success with the capture of Ras Jdir.

A Tunisian official said loyalists fled as more than 100 rebels arrived.

"There were not any real clashes; the loyalists took off and the rebels' flag was raised at the border post."

As one potential escape route for Qaddafi was closed off, Egyptian state news agency MENA quoted a rebel source as saying a motorcade of six armoured cars that could be carrying Libyan officials, even Qaddafi, had crossed into Algeria.

The source was quoted as saying the column of Mercedes had been escorted by pro-government troops until it entered the town of Ghadames in Algeria. Rebels had not been able to pursue them as they lacked munitions and equipment.

"We think they (the cars) were carrying high Libyan officials, possibly Qaddafi and his sons," the source said.

Algeria declined to recognise the NTC on Friday, insisting it would adhere to the policy of "strict neutrality" adopted since the start of the conflict.

The rebels want to find Qaddafi so they can proclaim final victory in an uprising that began six months ago.

As insurgent leaders moved into Tripoli to begin a political transition, the African Union called Friday for that process to be "inclusive", while the UN human rights chief warned against assassinating Qaddafi, who has a $1.7 million rebel price on his head.

Speculation that Qaddafi might have found refuge in his hometown of Sirte, 360 kilometres (225 miles) east of Tripoli, has not been confirmed.

British warplanes had bombed a headquarters bunker there on Thursday night.

Regime forces in Sirte have been regularly targeted since the start of the campaign, an official said, but now "it's one of the last places he (Qaddafi) has control of".

"It has always been a stronghold of the regime and now the remnants of the regime are using it to launch attacks," the official said.

"This is an extremely desperate and dangerous remnant of a former regime and they are obviously desperately trying to disrupt the fact that the Libyan people have started to take responsibility for their own country."

The capital itself was calm on Saturday morning after a night of isolated explosions and small-arms fire in different parts of the city, an AFP correspondent said.

After several days of intense combat, the remaining Qaddafi forces seem to have opted for guerrilla tactics, striking in small groups to keep tensions high and then withdrawing.

A rebel chief, Abdel Hamid Agleou, said "we don't know where Qaddafi's men are hiding."

NTC official Ali Tarhuni said their leader, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, would arrive as soon as the security situation permitted.

Abdel Nagib Mlegta, head of operations for the takeover of the capital, said on Friday his fighters now controlled 95 percent of Tripoli, with just a few pockets of resistance left.

He said they hoped to control Tripoli fully and capture Qaddafi within 72 hours.

The AFP correspondent said there were still pockets of resistance in the pro-Qaddafi Abu Slim neighbourhood, which has been the scene of heavy fighting this week, and in the Salah al-Din quarter.

And the airport, controlled by the rebels, was still being targeted by sporadic shooting and shelling.

Mlegta alleged that forces loyal to Qaddafi killed more than 150 prisoners with grenades in a "mass murder" as they fled the rebel takeover.

But Amnesty International said Friday that both sides had been guilty of abuses.

The United Nations, the African Union, the Arab League and the European Union urged both sides in Libya to avoid reprisals, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said after talks of the so-called Cairo Group.

"Colonel Qaddafi must avoid further bloodshed by relinquishing power and calling on those forces that continue to fight to lay down their arms and protect civilians," she said.

She added: "Today, under UN leadership, we agreed to call on all parties to respect international humanitarian and international human rights obligations. There should be no reprisals."

Ashton said after a video conference that the Cairo Group, which also includes the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, "emphasised that the transition in Libya should be Libyan-led and inclusive."

UN chief Ban Ki-moon said after the talks, which he chaired, that an international police force may need to be sent to Libya, which is "awash" with small arms.

In Geneva, the UN human rights chief warned bounty hunters who may be seeking to kill Qaddafi, with spokesman Rupert Colville saying assassinations are "not within the rule of law".

The African Union declined Friday to recognise the NTC and instead called for the formation of an all-inclusive transitional government.

South African President Jacob Zuma said after an AU meeting in Addis Ababa that the rebels were not yet legitimate.

With fighting continuing in a conflict that the NTC chief says has killed more than 20,000 people, the horror of the situation was highlighted at a hospital in Tripoli.

Eighty putrefying corpses lay around, apparently patients who died for lack of treatment because doctors had fled for fear of the pro-Qaddafi snipers in the neighbourhood.

Only 17 survived and were evacuated Friday by the Red Cross.

As the rebels worked to consolidate their gains politically, they were still desperately in need of funding.

NTC number two Mahmud Jibril said in Istanbul on Friday it was essential that the West release all of Libya's frozen assets for the success of the new government to be established after the Qaddafi regime."

On Thursday, senior diplomats of the Libya Contact Group agreed to speed up release of some $2.5 billion in frozen Libyan assets by the middle of next week.

At the same time, the UN Security Council released $1.5 billion of seized assets to be used for emergency aid. "The money will be moving within days," a US diplomat said.

Egypt's MENA news agency said Jibril arrived Friday in Cairo ahead of a special meeting of the Arab League that would see the NTC take over Libya's seat from Qaddafi's regime, suspended in February after the conflict began.



Moise | 12 years ago | Reply

1980's: US-CIA backed National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) made multiple attempts to assassinate Qaddafi and initiate armed rebellion throughout Libya. 1990's: Noman Benotman and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) wage a campaign of terror against Qaddafi with Osama Bin Laden's assistance. 1994: LIFG kills 2 German anti-terrorism agents. Qaddafi seeks arrest warrant for Osama Bin Laden in connection to the attack but is blocked by MI6 who was concurrently aiding the LIFG. 2003: Upon Qaddafi's abandonment of WMD programs, Libya's collaboration with MI6 & the CIA to identify and expose the LIFG networks begins, giving Western intelligence a windfall of information regarding the group. Ironically this information would give Western nations an entire army to rebuild and turn against Qaddafi in 2011. 2005: NFSL's Ibrahim Sahad founds the National Conference of Libyan Opposition (NCLO) in London England. 2011: Early February, the London based NCLO calls for a Libyan "Day of Rage," beginning the "February 17th revolution." 2011: Late February, NFSL/NCLO's Ibrahim Sahad is leading opposition rhetoric, literally in front of the White House in Washington D.C. Calls for no-fly zone in reaction to unsubstantiated accusations Qaddafi is strafing "unarmed protesters" with warplanes. 2011: Late February, Senators Lieberman and McCain and UK PM David Cameron call for providing air cover for Libyan rebels as well as providing them additional arms. 2011: Early March; it is revealed UK SAS special forces are already operating inside Libya 2011: Mid-March; UN adopts no-fly zone over Libya, including air strikes. Immediately, the mission is changed from "protecting civilians" to "ousting Qaddafi." Egypt violates the arms embargo of UN r.1973 with Washington's full knowledge by supplying Libyan rebels with weapons, while Al Qaeda's ties to the rebels are admitted by everyone including the rebels themselves. 2011: Late April; Documented evidence is revealed that Libya's rebels are conducting a barbaric campaign, employing extrajudicial killings, indiscriminate military force, child-soldiers, landmines, and torture. New York Times blames a lack of support. 2011: Late April, early May; Followed by calls to assassinate Qaddafi, ordnance crash into his son's home killing him and 3 of Qaddafi's grandchildren. NATO concurrently seeks a new UN resolution authorizing ground troops while aggressor states seek to release seized Libyan assets to the rebels.

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