Water project finally sees light of the day

Around 45,000 Hasan Abdal residents heave sigh of relief

Waqar Ali Azam December 22, 2022
A women uses a hand-pump to fill drinking water on the outskirts of Amritsar in the northern state of Punjab, India, November 15, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS


Around 45,000 residents in Hasan Abdal will be able to get the facility of clean drinking water as the water project has finally seen the light of day.

Earlier, the residents had no choice but to walk miles to fetch water as the water pipelines laid in their areas were broken for the past 63 years. Finally, the work on the project kicked off with the release of Rs20 million by Rawalpindi Division CM Complaint Cell Chairman Akbar Khan Tanoli on the complaints of the people of Hasan Abdal about the long-standing problem of the unavailability of clean drinking water.

Hasan Abdal Municipal Council Chief Engineer Zulfiqar Ali Butt said that water pipelines were laid in the city in 1960, which had a lifespan of only 20 to 25 years. Due to the lack of funds, the pipelines were not replaced, he added.

Therefore, it was not possible to provide clean drinking water to the citizens, the official said adding that with a special grant of Rs20 million, pipelines of Rahmpura, Baba Farid Nagar, Hazara Road, Milad Nagar, Arshad Nagar and Shaheed Abad have been replaced.

Moreover, around four to five thousand feet of pipeline has been laid on the hilly area for the population of Sakhi Nagar. The residents had to travel two to three kilometers to fetch water.

This pipeline has made it possible to provide drinking water to them.

A resident of Sakhi Nagar Kabeer Awan said that it was difficult to get water in his area and children and women had to travel miles to fetch water.

Another resident Gul Khan said that even in this modern era, our population continued to be neglected and the administration kept crying about the lack of funds.


Published in The Express Tribune, December 22nd, 2022.


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