Punjab prisons dept directed to amend policy for inmates transfer

LHC's Justice Tariq points out loopholes in the new draft for the transfer of prisoners

Rana Yasif December 08, 2022


The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Thursday directed the Punjab Prisons department to come up with more amendments in a draft of a newly-prepared policy for the transfer of prisoners from one prison to another.

Justice Tariq Saleem Sheikh drew the attention of Assistant Inspector General (AIG-Judicial) Dr Qadeer Alam towards some loopholes which needed to be addressed.

The official noted down the suggestions that came from the court and ensured to include them in the draft.

Justice Tariq was hearing different petitions wherein the prisoners had been shifted to prisons in far-flung areas. The counsels of the petitioners implored the court that the authority concerned could not do so without any cogent and substantial reason.

Read more: Punjab's soaring prison population a nightmare

As proceedings commenced, the jail authorities submitted a draft regarding the shifting of prisoners and review, appeal procedures and other significant points.

They told the court that a new policy has been formulated in which many issues have been addressed. Justice Tariq asked since the new policy is only a draft, who will notify it?

The authorities told the court that it will be notified soon.

Justice Tariq observed that there is a need to work more on these issues to make the policy more viable. To which, Dr Qadeer noted down the suggestions of the court and ensured they will be made part of the policy.

Dr Qadeer implored the court that the hardened criminals, those involved in sensitive cases and those whose conduct is not good are shifted to far-flung jails. He said that in the new policy other prisoners will be kept in jails near to their residences.


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