Steer your child toward success with these six empowering tips

Is your child getting adequate nutrition, physical exercise and emotional support?

December 22, 2022
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Parents worldwide are keen on helping their children reach new heights. In this increasingly competitive and globalised world, parents want to do everything in their power to set and keep their children on the road to excellence in school, sports, social life and everything else under the sun.

Sending children to the best schools isn’t enough in this fast-paced era. Parenting has become even harder and more rewarding than ever before. More and more experts are spreading awareness about how parents are indeed the first and most influential mentors for their children.

Positive reinforcement, challenging routines and well-balanced diets help build positive attitudes that encourage children to do better in school. If you’re a mom who wants to secure a successful future for your child, you can use some expert-approved strategies to help your child succeed in today’s competitive world.


1. Provide a comfortable environment for studies at home

With school routines becoming more stressful every year, it’s becoming even more challenging for students to keep up with the wide range of subjects at which they must excel. Knowing about all that goes around in the world is equally important for them to stay ahead. Homework is one way teachers use to help students retain information and explore on their own.

Revisiting lessons taught in school, at home and completing projects on their own helps children to develop a sense of responsibility and a work ethic that will serve them well beyond the classroom.

Parents can support their children with a few tactics. They can provide guidance, answer questions and review completed assignments, as well as interpret homework instructions. It is recommended not to be tempted to answer questions and complete their assignments. You must also provide them with a well-lit, comfortable, quiet workspace for homework, and keep distractions to a minimum.


2. Teach your child organisational skills

Help children learn the importance of staying organised by teaching them to use a personal planner or calendar to mark important deadlines. Encourage them to make checklists to make it easier for them to prioritise and accomplish tasks more efficiently.

Focusing on goals becomes easier for children when they are organised rather than spending time searching for stationery items and getting distracted.

3. Provide a nutritious school lunch box

It is not just about intelligence when it comes to effective school performance; a child needs nutrition during a long school day to remain focused and perform well.

In addition to a healthy breakfast at home, a nutritious lunch box at school is imperative because, without additional energy, the body and mind cannot function at its full potential after studying for a few hours, sometimes leading to fatigue and even poor concentration.

The right and balanced nutrition during school breaks is important to enable children to remain active and perform at their best, both mentally and physically, throughout the school day.

To help your child succeed in the classroom, you should ensure that every day they get a lunch box that is filled with nutritious snacks instead of junk food. It is recommended that children's school lunch boxes contain foods such as fruits, vegetables, sandwiches with healthy protein, and of course, dairy items, such as milk.

According to a 2016 study conducted by the Korean Nutrition Society, increased milk intake improved academic performance and boosted motivation for learning. Besides helping brain development and brain function, milk is also a source of calcium and protein that can help build healthy bones and teeth, enabling them to perform better in physical activities, such as sports.

Olper’s Flavoured Milk has made it easier to add nutrition to children’s school lunch boxes with its smart solution which helps children continue their performance throughout the school day.

In addition to containing all the Goodness of Milk, Olper’s Flavoured Milk also contains additional Calcium, Vitamins A and D, which are excellent sources of nutrition and improves children’s mental and physical performance. Not only is it convenient to pack in a school lunch box, it is also available in delicious flavours that children love.

4. Stay updated on their life

Ensure your children know that you care about what's happening at school by talking to them every day. Encourage them to express their fears, excitements, or disappointments every day, and continue to praise their accomplishments and efforts. The more parents are interested in their children’s academic lives, the more they will take their schoolwork seriously. Maintain regular contact with your child's teacher by email and attend parent-teacher conferences to stay informed.

5. Add balance to their routine with physical activities

Children who are physically active tend to feel better and stay healthier. Helping children stay active throughout the day takes their minds off the educational challenges, and boosts their energy and emotional well-being. It reduces anxiety, develops self-confidence and improves sleep quality.

Bonding with others over sports/extra curricular activities also helps them learn empathy, builds networking capabilities and teaches them assertiveness.


6. Allow them to learn their own lessons

As parents, it’s easy to get carried away to protect the children from potential heartbreaks and setbacks. While your child must know you'll always be by their side, let them succeed or fail on their own.

Experiencing the consequences of their actions will help them learn lessons they will remember throughout life. It's a great way of letting them take responsibility of building healthier habits that will help them get closer to their ultimate goals.

With so many benefits of consuming milk, all mothers looking to enhance their children’s mental and physical performance should include Flavoured Milk in their lunch boxes.

Build a healthy routine with limited screen time, more family time and books for everyone in the house to make a massive change in your child’s learning behaviour and performance.


Aisha khan | 2 years ago | Reply Excellent and easy to understand description of goals to guide the parents the right way impressive
Reemaq | 2 years ago | Reply Commercial Milk is shockingly overpriced for a developing Pakistan. No doubt because of the farmer mafias. Plus flavored milk is full of sugar and artificial junk.
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