Fishing to resume on September 1

Due to the breeding season of fishes, Punjab Fisheries imposed a ban on fishing from June 1st to August 31st

Our Corresondent August 29, 2022


Punjab Fisheries has decided to reinstate fishing privileges from September 1st, however the ban will remain on fishing in water shelters.

Due to the breeding season of fishes, Punjab Fisheries imposed a ban on fishing from June 1st to August 31st.

The auction of fishing contracts in rivers, lakes and canal in Punjab is also being conducted.

Deputy Director of Punjab Fisheries Ghulam Qadir said that the ban on fishing will end on September 1st, since breeding season is over.

However, in areas designated as sanctuaries, the ban on all types of fishing will remain.

Director Qadir said that Punjab Fisheries imposed a 10 year ban to conserve aquatic life and to protect endangered fish species in areas including the upstream of the Indus and Chenab Rivers.


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